CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Blog

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February 23, 2022
What is Thoracolumbar Scoliosis? Symptoms and Treatment

Part of the diagnostic process involves comprehensive assessment needed to further classify a condition; this streamlines the treatment process and guides the design of effective treatment plans. In...

February 9, 2022
What Is Disc Desiccation? What Causes It? How To Treat It

In order for the spine to perform optimally, it has to maintain its natural curvatures and alignment, and this is facilitated by the spine’s intervertebral discs. The intervertebral discs generally...

January 26, 2022
What Does Scoliosis And Scoliosis Pain Feel Like?

Scoliosis and scoliosis pain will feel different from one patient to the next. Factors like patient age, causation, curvature location, and condition severity will shape a person’s experience of...

January 12, 2022
What Is Straightening Of The Lumbar Lordosis?

The spine’s natural curvatures make it stronger, more flexible, and better able to absorb/distribute mechanical stress; the spine’s optimal health and function depends on its ability to maintain...

December 29, 2021
How Does Scoliosis Affect The Digestive System?

The body needs ample nourishment from a range of food sources to function optimally. As a spinal condition, it might not seem like scoliosis would have a clear effect on the digestive system, but as...

December 15, 2021
Uneven Hips & Scoliosis: What Causes It and How To Treat It

Also referred to as lateral pelvic tilt, uneven hips caused by scoliosis can involve one hip sitting higher than the other, and/or one hip appearing more rounded than the other. As an abnormal spinal...

December 1, 2021
How To Sleep With Scoliosis: Sleeping With Scoliosis

Everyone needs sleep to reset, rejuvenate, and restore. For people facing the additional challenge of life with scoliosis, it’s particularly important to develop healthy sleep habits so the body...

October 6, 2021
Levoconvex Scoliosis: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

When scoliosis is diagnosed, it’s further classified based on a number of important patient and condition characteristics. While most scoliotic curves bend to the right, away from the heart, they...

September 22, 2021
Dextroscoliosis: What Is It? Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

There are many different types of scoliosis, based on causation, and there are also different curvature patterns. Scoliosis can develop anywhere along the spine, although the thoracic spine is the...

September 8, 2021
Scoliosis Exercises: What Exercises Should You Do & Avoid

General exercise can improve a patient’s overall health, but can’t impact scoliosis on a structural level; scoliosis-specific exercises (SSEs) have corrective potential, especially when combined...

August 25, 2021
What Is Severe Scoliosis? Diagnosis, Symptoms, and Treatment

Every case of scoliosis is unique and will affect patients differently. Variables like patient age and condition severity help shape a person's experience of life with the condition. Treatment plans...

August 11, 2021
What Is Moderate Scoliosis? Diagnosis, Symptoms & Treatment

As a progressive condition, scoliosis has it in its nature to get worse over time, especially if left untreated, or not treated proactively. Scoliosis is not a static condition; if a patient is...

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This website is for informational and general purposes only. Information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you have read on this site. 

CLEAR Scoliosis Centers are privately owned and operated chiropractic clinics. Doctors at CLEAR Scoliosis Centers are personally responsible for all clinical decision making. CLEAR Scoliosis Institute, a nonprofit organization, does not have any authority over the clinic, make any clinical recommendations, or dictate patient care.
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