CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Blog

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April 17, 2024
What is a Harrington Rod For Scoliosis? Surgery Pros and Cons

A Harrington rod for scoliosis is instrumentation used in spinal fusion; it's attached to the spine with the goal of holding it in a straighter position so its vertebrae can't become more tilted over...

April 3, 2024
What Is Straight Back Syndrome? Can It Be Treated?

If the spine becomes excessively straight, this is contrary to its natural curved design. It's the spine's healthy curves that keep it flexible, strong, and able to handle stress from impact and...

March 20, 2024
Scoliosis and Swimming: Recommendation and Treatment

As scoliosis was first described and documented in the ancient world, the medical community has had many years to observe how it progresses, what triggers it to do so, and how the condition responds...

March 6, 2024
S-Shaped Scoliosis: What Is It? Does It Need Treatment?

No two cases of scoliosis are the same, which is why treatment plans need to be 100-percent shaped around a patient’s individual condition characteristics. When scoliosis is diagnosed, classifying...

February 21, 2024
What Is Hypolordosis? Symptoms and Treatment Options

A spine with its healthy curves in place will appear straight from the front and/or back and have a soft ‘S’ shape when viewed from either side, and if those curves fall with a healthy range,...

January 31, 2024
What is Lumbar Lordosis & How to Fix Lumbar Lordosis

The spine’s natural and healthy curves are key to preserving optimal spinal health, strength, and function. If the spine loses one of its healthy curves, the biomechanics of the entire spine are...

January 10, 2024
Does Scoliosis Ever Correct Itself? Can Scoliosis Be Reversed?

There are a number of spinal conditions that cause the development of unhealthy curves, but structural spinal conditions involve abnormalities within the spine itself, and this involves its vertebrae...

December 20, 2023
How Can I Reverse Scoliosis Naturally? Can It Be Done?

For people recently diagnosed with scoliosis, they have a lot of questions, one of which is how best to treat the condition. Reversing scoliosis means reducing the size of the unnatural spinal curve...

December 6, 2023
What Are Bone Spurs In Neck? Can They Be Treated?

Bone spurs make affected bones larger than normal, and the excess space used by the bony overgrowth is taken from somewhere. If a bone spur forms on the spine, it can cause issues related to nerve...

November 22, 2023
Kyphosis Exercises To Help Reduce Kyphosis & Other Treatment

When it comes to maintaining optimal spinal health, the spine’s natural and healthy curves need to be in place. Kyphosis refers to the spine’s outward curve at the thoracic section, and if this...

November 8, 2023
What Is Levoscoliosis Of The Lumbar Spine? Causes, Treatment

Scoliosis is a highly-prevalent spinal condition that’s been around for hundreds of years. As our understanding of the condition has grown over those years, so too has our experience with different...

October 18, 2023
Spondylosis vs Spondylolysis: Differences & Treatment Options

There is a natural amount of spinal degeneration that typically accompanies aging, but certain conditions and/or injuries can make those changes more severe and/or occur at faster rates. The spine...

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CLEAR Scoliosis Centers are privately owned and operated chiropractic clinics. Doctors at CLEAR Scoliosis Centers are personally responsible for all clinical decision making. CLEAR Scoliosis Institute, a nonprofit organization, does not have any authority over the clinic, make any clinical recommendations, or dictate patient care.
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