Dr. Kang specializes in treating patients as young as 1.5-year-olds to 87-year-olds and everyone in between. There is a large population of patients who are left with no options because they are now an adult but not bad enough for surgery, or they are in surgical threshold but deemed too risky due to their age. Unfortunately, scoliosis is progressive, so even if you have a mild or moderate scoliosis now, there is high likelihood that it will progress over time, often into surgical thresholds for some. So why not get your scoliosis treated, and learn a strategy to manage your scoliosis going forward. We will teach you to be your own doctor, and work on your scoliosis independently with the guidance from Dr. Kang. We brush and floss our teeth daily to maintain dental health, so why would we not work on our scoliosis the same way?
We implement the Total Scoliosis Solution (TSS) Program that was designed to give the patients the optimal outcome. It is a customized all-inclusive scoliosis program that is unique to each individual, as all spines are unique. The advantage of having all these “tools” available to us allows us to utilize the methods and treatment that is best suited for the patient. We have an understanding of the spine and scoliosis that goes beyond the Cobb angle that you see on an x-ray. We treat the scoliosis 3-Dimensionally, looking at the overall balance that will give the patients the best cosmetic appearance. Improved cosmetic appearance means greater alignment and balance, which leads to greater spinal stability. Towards that end, Dr. Jacob and Dr. Paul are currently developing the “Muscle Corset Method for ScoliosisTM”. You will never see Dr. Kang not learning or working on new ideas to implement in his practice.
Dr. Kang treats local patients, patients out of Province, and international patients. We offer two weeks intensive TSS Program for international patients and patients out of Province. If you are overseas and wish to see if you are a candidate for the TSS Program, please reach out to us for a virtual consultation. We are always ready to provide you with the help that you need.
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