Many people wonder how to align your back without a chiropractor. It seems appealing because you could save time, money, and the inconvenience of having to leave your house. However, while it might be tempting to try to self-correct your spinal misalignment at home, it is never recommended to do so without the help of a medical professional.
While this article won’t be teaching you how to align your back without a chiropractor, it will cover the risks of attempting to self-correct your spine and provide helpful tips to improve your posture and support healthy spinal alignment.
There are many difficulties you could encounter by trying to align your back by yourself. Let’s review some of the complications below.
Trying to correct your posture and misalignment without consulting a professional can pose a few problems. For example, you might be agitating your spine more than helping it. Yoga stretches done incorrectly can result in severe pain, and it can even worsen the symptoms.
Perhaps the biggest issue with self-treatment is that you can’t correct what you can’t detect. X-rays are designed for viewing the spine at every angle, but there’s no telling what the problem is if you can’t catch it in the first place.
We often treat ourselves by soothing the location of discomfort or pain. If you have sore shoulders, you might try to ice them to relieve the tension. While it might help initially, the source of the pain could come from several other locations, and that’s only treating a symptom of an underlying issue.
A misalignment in the neck can cause pain in your shoulders, fingers, toes, and throughout your spine. If you’re not feeling neck pain, how would you know it’s the primary source of the problem? The only real way to know is by getting a thorough examination and an X-ray, if necessary.
Although it’s not quite as common, some patients seriously injure themselves by trying various home treatments. Turning your neck the wrong way or stretching for too long can make everything much worse. You might even have to spend extra money to treat additional symptoms.
Another huge issue with what people often refer to as cracking your own back is that this is almost always rotational. When you rotate the spine, all you’re doing is releasing the built-up gas. The sound that’s produced is simply the noise caused by the gas leaving.
You might think that there’s a bit of relief, but that relief will only be temporary. True relief can’t be achieved through rotational exercises. Instead, you’ll need a chiropractor to apply pressure in various spots around the body. This process allows your muscles to relax and reduce inflammation.
When you go to see a medical professional who specializes in the CLEAR Scoliosis Institute method, you’re likely going to have X-rays done. They’re used to create 3D images of your spine to show the precise trouble areas throughout your body. They’ll also help to assist the chiropractor in learning where they should apply pressure.
Motion studies are a critical part of the process. As the X-rays are performed, the professional will typically have the patient move in specific directions to get a complete view.
Correcting your posture and spinal curvature by yourself is dangerous, but you can find the same convenience and comfort with the CLEAR method. The CLEAR-certified specialists also provide thorough instructions and hands-on training to give patients the best possible advice during their visit. Some places even give DVDs and guidelines to go with the exercises.
It’s often agreed that there isn’t anything better than proper stretching when you’re working to strengthen your back and support healthy spinal alignment. While you won’t get the benefits mentioned above, you’ll still be able to slightly reduce the swelling and start to get things back on track.
As you can see, there are quite a few different stretches and exercises that you can try at home. To improve the spinal mechanics of your back, you have to remain consistent. Daily exercises are recommended if you decide that you want to do everything of your own accord.
You should also include efforts to maintain good posture throughout your daily routine. Whether you’re sitting, standing, or lying down, you need to have your spine adequately aligned. During these times of relaxation, your spine is most likely to shift or move, according to your muscle placement.
You can also buy wedges, rollers, and other equipment that you’d get through trying out the CLEAR method. They don’t come with the same detailed instructions as you’d get from a certified professional, but you’d still get some good use out of them, although you won’t benefit from the chiropractic adjustments you would through visiting CLEAR.
All in all, you can certainly do quite a few stretches and exercises throughout the day to improve your posture and relieve pain. Proper stretching is critical to recovery. Yoga can be beneficial as well, but incorrect poses can do more harm than good.
The CLEAR method is a top choice for patients around the world. Pain-free results that steer clear of drugs and invasive surgical procedures are an easy choice for many people.
Throughout this article, we’ve covered:
Disclaimer: The author’s views are his or her own and may not reflect the views of CLEAR Scoliosis Institute.
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Hi Mark, thank you for this article and stretchers! BTW do you agree with the importance of ergonomic chair for back pain prevention? Here I found a great list so thinking of buying one of them foк my office. Thanks in advance