Understanding Your Spine: Cervical Lordosis

Cervical Lordosis

Protect your neck. We’ve heard that phrase refer to how essential – and indispensable – your neck is to your overall health. Your neck is the bridge connecting your brain to your body; good health depends upon the signals from your brain getting through to your organs.  And it starts with ensuring you have a healthy cervical lordosis, which is the natural curve in your neck vertebrae.

Your cervical spine is made up of the first seven vertebrae in your spine that span the base of your skull to your thoracic spine (the area between your neck and abdomen). A healthy cervical spine is shaped like a wide-looking “C” with its curve facing toward the front . This normal curve in the neck helps to withstand the weight of your head and also provides comfortable range of motion in the neck.

What’s not normal (and when you start running into problems and pain) is a flattened neck that has lost its natural curvature, also called a “military neck.” The curve can straighten out (a condition called hypolordotic/alordotic) or even face in the wrong direction (which is known as a reverse curve or kyphotic).

What Causes Loss of Cervical Lordosis?

Loss of the healthy curve in your neck can be due to a combination of factors. Sometimes, it’s not one event in particular, but a combination of accidents or injuries and repetitive, prolonged actions, such as constantly looking down at a phone or computer. This repetitive posture puts strain on the body over time and can lead to issues with cervical lordosis. The risk is higher if there is pre-existing damage to the ligaments and discs caused by a fall, car crash, birth trauma, or other incidences

Why a Healthy Cervical Curve is Important

It all starts at the top. Changes in the spine can have a domino effect down the rest of the body.

The slight forward arch of a healthy cervical spine is what helps stabilize and bear the weight of the head and spine. So any time there’s a loss of the cervical lordosis (and the longer it persists), the condition can lead to pain and increase degeneration of the spinal discs.

People who have a loss of cervical lordosis are more vulnerable to injury, and more likely to suffer permanent damage or disability if they get into a car crash. Losing the good curve in your neck also makes you more likely to have a disc herniation in your lower back.

Signs and Symptoms

The tricky part of loss of cervical curve is how it presents itself. While losing the good curve in the neck increases the likelihood of neck pain, headaches, and other problems, not every person with a loss of curve in their neck and forward head posture will have these symptoms, and some patients don’t experience any symptoms at all. But while pain may not be experienced, some individuals could start noticing that they’re limited in some physical activities.

If your symptoms are being caused by poor posture, the use of drugs and chemicals will not help, because it is a mechanical problem. Muscle relaxants and aspirin might relieve the pain caused by poor posture, but they won’t cure it. Fatigue, muscle tension, headaches, vertigo, and other symptoms could be due to abnormal variations in the cervical lordosis. Taking drugs may mask the symptoms, but only restoring the body’s natural posture will lift the strain on the nerves, muscles, and discs.

Keep in mind that pain starting in your neck can migrate its way down your body. An abnormal cervical curve can place a lot of stress on the muscles below your neck and manifest itself into back pain. Your spine and entire body are then more likely to be injured.

Even if you don’t have any active symptoms, ignoring or not addressing an abnormal cervical curve could make you more susceptible to injury in an accident, slip or fall. Something that wouldn’t bother a person with a strong spine could lead to long-term damage in a person with poor posture.

Restoring a Healthy Cervical Lordosis

Despite the growing body of scientific evidence attesting to the importance of cervical lordosis, there’s some disagreement in medical and chiropractic circles about the general importance of the neck. Some doctors won’t even measure the curve in your neck. Find a professional who recognizes the importance of intervening in loss of your natural curve and will map out a plan to strengthen muscle and help you improve your range of motion and flexibility.

Most forms of physical therapy and chiropractic treatment will not be effective in restoring the cervical lordosis. In fact, one study¹ found that twisting or popping the neck with the hands could actually worsen the curve in the neck. Specialized precision adjustments, therapies, and exercises must be done together in order to relax the correct muscles, reposition the bones, and re-train the subconscious, automatic parts of the brain responsible for balance, posture, and coordination. It’s important that the doctor takes an x-ray to measure the curve in your neck before treatment, and then takes another x-ray (with the head in the exact same position) afterwards, to prove that the treatment was effective.

There are several chiropractic ways to treat curve correction. A reactive approach includes spinal weights to induce a reaction and spur neurological retraining. Another approach is soft tissue remodeling, which focuses on relaxing, restoring and rehabilitating the ligaments in the neck. Treatments, like the CLEAR approach, can combine both methods to provide effective cervical lordotic restoration.

Your cervical curve is crucial to your overall spinal health. Treatments that recognize the importance of curve correction can help mitigate the pain and discomfort you may be experiencing if you’ve lost your natural cervical lordosis.

Have you experienced a loss of cervical lordosis? Do you have any questions about treatment options or thoughts on what treatments worked for you? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

¹Troyanovich SJ, Harrison DD, Harrison DE. A review of the validity, reliability and clinical effectiveness of chiropractic methods employed to restore or rehabilitate cervical lordosis. Chiropractic Technique 1998;10:1-7.

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172 comments on “Understanding Your Spine: Cervical Lordosis”

    1. I have straightened cervicsl curvature. I am from Egypt. I need to know a way to treat it.

    2. There are some physical therapy techniques which address the loss of the cervical lordosis; in Egypt, I would recommend reaching out to Professor Diab in Nacer City. His contact information can be found at the bottom-right of the first page of this article: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
      There are also corrective care chiropractic techniques, such as CLEAR, CBP (www.idealspine.com), Pettibon, and others. These chiropractic organizations specialize in this type of treatment, but you may have to travel to find a clinic utilizing these techniques.

  1. My X-ray report says loss of cervical lordosis. What should I do to not make it worse? And is there any way to get back the normal curve?

    1. The natural, good curve in your neck can be lost due a number of factors. Usually, it's due to a combination of macrotraumas (large traumatic events like falls, car crashes, accidents, and surgeries) and microtraumas (small, repetitive motions we do every day, like working on a laptop with our head down, or studying hunched over a desk). When macrotraumas destabilize the ligaments and discs in the neck, microtraumas become even more damaging to the cervical curve. Restoring the cervical lordosis is possible, but requires avoiding or modifying certain activities (like holding your phone up at eye level, rather than looking down at it - "text neck") and also a comprehensive and advanced rehabilitation program. Not every type of chiropractic adjustment improves the cervical curve, and even the right type of adjustments need to be combined with exercises and other therapies for the maximum benefit. Look for chiropractic techniques like CLEAR, CBP (Chiropractic BioPhysics, http://www.idealspine.com), or Pettibon. Many Maximized Living Doctors have undergone advanced training in spinal corrective care with Dr. Tony Nalda (a CLEAR Certified Doctor), as well. If you can't find a doctor specializing in these techniques in your area, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected], and we may be able to point you in the right direction!

    2. http://posturedirect.com/forward-head-posture-correction/

      Please also look into fixing rounded shoulders. This site provides visuals and tests on determining whether you are guilty of having rounded shoulders or improper pelvic positioning. The exercise routines aren't fun but they will save you from very painful and long standing recoveries from surgery. Trust me I'm 35 and doctors have been telling me for years to correct my forward head and rounded shoulders. I didn't listen and just had a multi level disc replacement.

      Also, if you can find someone sufficient in GRASTON technique look into it. It is painful but an excellent way to get deep into those calcified adhesions you've developed from years of improper body mechanics.

    3. Hi, so a little back story; I'm a 26 yr old female, I was a varsity wrestler for 4 years in HS on a guy's team as well as my freshmen year of college (2004-2009). I quit due to having issues of frequent syncope. Since then I have been regularly in the gym, power lifting and doing a lot of plyos. The pain in my cervical spine started in high school and got worse over time. As a competitive athlete, I always pushed through it and just toughed it out. In 2011 I had an incident where I instantly was in excruciating pain and could not move my head the slightest bit and luckily had my sister visiting who was able to drive me to the hospital where they said I had a herniated disc between my C6 and C7. After it wasn't until then that I realized the numbness and shooting pain in my left arm was more of an issue than I thought. It had been a constant annoyance since high school but I never gave it much thought. The past couple years the pain continued to get worse and be more constant. Last year I went to my doctor about my back pain because I decided it was about time that I stop being stubborn and figure out what was going on. My doc sent me for an x-ray and told me that everything came back normal and made no effort to get answers. a few weeks ago I went to a chiropractor who took x-rays and gave me a copy and went over everything with me last week. I'm have a degree in exercise science and I have enough education to understand and recognize that something definitely wasn't right about my x-rays. I have no curvature in my c-spine and degeneration of my c5-c6 disc. He said that the degeneration was mild to moderate and was surprised to see that in a 26 yr old. It definitely explains a lot of my symptoms and I was really frustrated that it wasn't caught in my x-rays last year. So today I went to the hospital to get my medical records and found out that my x-ray from last year actually noted that there was mild disc degeneration between my c-5 and c-6 vertebrae; however, my doc failed to mention it and told me everything was normal and walked out. I've had many other issues with this doc an am in the process of finding a new one, but my question is, once I see my new doc, what should I expect? Should I expect a referral to an orthopedist? Should I expect other imaging tests? I want to make sure I get the help I need and what to expect so I know if I need to change docs again. Thank you!

    4. It's important to understand that a doctor's training and clinical experience will most likely dictate their care and what they tell you. Orthopedic surgeons are specialists in surgery, so that's their most likely recommendation for severe cases. When it's mild, they'll probably refer you to physical therapy or pain management. Keep in mind that medical doctors aren't really trained to understand spinal alignment, so a chiropractor might actually be your best option for restoring your natural cervical curve. If you go this route, I'd suggest searching for a structural corrective care doctor, such as CBP, CLEAR, or Pettibon.

  2. Below is my x-ray result
    X RAY Neck AP/LAT
    There is a straightening of the normal cervical lordosis with preservation of the heights and alignments of the vertebral bodies. osteophytic spurs were noted on the C4,C5 and C6 vertebral bodies. The posterior elements preserved. conclusion , CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS. PLEASE WHAT DOES THIS MEAN AND WHAT SHOULD I DO?

    1. We cannot provide individual treatment advice over the Internet. However, CLEAR Doctors have a great deal of experience in understanding the cervical spine, and how to effectively restore the natural curve. I would highly recommend that you reach out to the closest CLEAR Certified Chiropractor, and send over your x-rays and medical records so that they can help you.

    2. This means you've lost the natural curve in your neck. It's likely from your posture. Unless you are an athlete and play high impact sports or have a history of trauma. You do not have degenerative disc disease yet, you have bone spurs on the vertebrae at the indicated discs and arthritis. Bone Spurs are usually caused by a mixture of arthritis and bad posture. I'm 35 and just had a multi level disc replacement at C5-6 C6-7. I have very forward shoulders and a forward head. Test your posture by standing up against a wall. Do your shoulders touch the wall? Does the back of your head? If not it should. Now put your hands palm up and out to the sides, slowly lower them with your palms facing your pockets. That's where your shoulders should always be, and relaxed. Also, your head should held as if someone were pulling you up by the back of your hairline if you had a pony tail. Chin slightly down. It feels awkward n looks stupid but you'll get used to it. If you have nerve compression at the C7 level you may have trouble and weakness correcting your posture as your serratus and shoulder blades may wing and be weak. My right side is awful. My tricep/bicep and shoulder blade/serratus are still incapacitated and my traps are like rocks. Strengthening your back while correcting your posture is the best you can do to fix your problems before a surgery or after one to prevent further collapse of discs above and below. The link below will lead you to a great site with visuals on how to correct shoulder posture and neck posture. Good luck!


  3. Was I'm a car accident rear ended hospital said I have whiplash and Lordosis at c4 overlapping never had a problem like this curvature IS This possibly.from auto rearended accident

    1. Loss of Motion Segment Integrity (LMSI) is what happens when the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments that run along the front & back of your neck become damaged, like in a whiplash-type car crash. These ligaments prevent the vertebrae from slipping too far forwards & backwards on top of each other (what doctors call anterolisthesis and retrolisthesis - 'listhesis' basically means slippage of the spinal bones). When this happens, it can cause changes in the alignment of the neck, and lead to neck pain, headaches, jaw pain, and more. The founder of the CLEAR Scoliosis Institute spent over two decades focusing upon the damage that car crashes can do to the neck, and learning about how to help people recover from these types of injuries - and in fact it is this knowledge, in part, which helped us to understand how to treat scoliosis more effectively, by understanding more about how the ligaments in the neck can influence the entire spine.
      Also, it's important to note that when trauma to the ligaments create instability, adjusting this area by twisting or popping the neck can actually make that instability worse! CLEAR chiropractors have advanced training in how to recognize LMSI and ligament instability, as well as how to treat it effectively.

  4. Hi I'm Wilma and I'm 38, I've had this really bad headache from the start of Dec 2016, it's so bad I feel sick with it and I take a tingling/pins n needles in my left hand, my back and neck are also sore, I'm not off my work sick due to feeling so unwell, my GP sent me for an neck X-ray which showed a loss of normal cervical lordosis, arcuate foramen in c1 and early facet OA changes, she doesn't know if any of these would be causing my pain and told me to pay for a private MRI scan of the brain to see if it could be RRMS like my brothers have, do you have any advise for me?

    1. While I'm afraid I can't provide medical advice over the Internet, it does sound like your symptoms could be related to your cervical spine. The CLEAR doctors are trained in highly advanced chiropractic techniques that often get results when other methods fail. If there isn't a CLEAR doctor near you, I'd suggest looking for a structural corrective care chiropractor (CBP, Pettibon, Atlas Orthogonal, or similar). You'll want a chiropractor who takes x-rays and measures them. Almost all structural corrective care techniques utilize a mechanical adjusting instrument to adjust the neck, and will also prescribe home exercises for you. If they do not, you should find a different chiropractor. After no more than 12 visits, a re-x-ray should be taken and measured, as objective proof of the effectiveness of the care plan.

  5. Myself Madhu, On January 28th met with bike accident. From at that time injured Neck. met with neuro surgen did X ray- and reported as LOSS OF CERVICAL LORDOSIS and C4-C5. still I am suffering neck pain. Neck can easily turn left and right but painful......Now i am taking tablet FLEXURA -D and ointment FLEXA GEL for external ....

    please suggest how many days it will take to cure ?
    and any another treatments available expept surgery ?
    any excercises for neck ?
    anything else please tell me ?

    Is it dangerous ?

    1. Hello Madhu,
      I wouldn't be able to give you accurate information about your condition or how long it would take to treat it without an opportunity to examine you in person, review your x-rays & medical records, and so on. I do believe that advanced chiropractic care is the best option for people suffering from a loss of the cervical lordosis, and related symptoms such as neck pain. The best exercises are always customized for the needs of the specific patient, which again is hard to know without an examination. You can find some general helpful exercises and stretches on our site; visit our page on scoliosis exercises and look at the right side bar under Stretches and Back Exercises: https://clearscoliosis.wpengine.com/living-with-scoliosis/scoliosis-exercises/
      I'm not sure what you mean by "Is it dangerous?" Living with a loss of the cervical lordosis increases the risk of other symptoms, and also makes the spine more vulnerable to potential future injuries. But not everyone with a loss of the cervical curve will necessarily have active symptoms. The body adapts to imposed demands until it can no longer maintain its function, and that is when pain & other obvious symptoms manifest. I hope you can find the help you are looking for! Please consider contacting a CLEAR Scoliosis Doctor for a consultation if it possible... the advanced training that our doctors receive makes them experts in many different aspects of spinal rehabilitation. Best of luck to you!

  6. A cat scan from the hospital just showed a chiari malformation and "straightening of cervical lordosis". I see my doctor on Monday and know he will send me for an MRI. I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and wonder how much you know about it and if it is possible that the straightened lordosis could be caused by EDS and my neck ligaments becoming more lax and because of my collagen not working properly. Thank you!

    1. EDS (the hypermobility type) is very commonly associated with scoliosis; because it's so common, almost every CLEAR doctor will have experience working with patients with this condition, myself included. Fortunately, CLEAR doctors are extensively trained in the importance of the ligaments, and also have advanced exercises & therapies designed specifically for rehabilitating & stabilizing areas of hypermobility or instability. Hyperlaxity of the ligaments & joints can be regarded as a double-edged sword: while EDS will certainly render the spine more vulnerable to certain types of conditions (such as a loss of the cervical lordosis), it can also make it easier to correct those types of problems. Your CLEAR doctor will most likely spend more time with you performing certain types of therapies designed to "set" the correction in place, to counteract the hypermobility in the spinal joints.

  7. Hello. I've been a Sonographer for 15 years and now my body feels like it falling apart. Chronic headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, upper and lower back pain, my muscles are like rocks and the joints in my fingers hurt, and my right thumb is weak and feels like it is coming out of the socket when I scan. I've been to physical therapy for my back. I recently had x-rays of my hands and cervical spine. No arthritis in my hands. My spine X-ray showed cervical straightening and c5-c6 degenerative spurring. What should my next corse of action be? I do have an apt with a neurologist tomorrow.

    1. Because of the differences in how medical doctors and chiropractors are trained to understand the body, it is possible that even the best neurologist or orthopedist might not recognize the true source of your pain. Medicine prefers to take a reductionist, mechanistic viewpoint and break the body down into its component parts; that's why medicine has specialists in each organ, from cardiologists to gastroenterologists. However, it's possible for problems in one area of the body to lead to pain in another; for example, a pinched nerve in the neck can lead to problems with carpal tunnel syndrome in the wrist. I'd recommend seeing a chiropractor, but due to the wide variance in chiropractic techniques, it can be difficult to find one with the advanced skills & knowledge that may be necessary to truly address the cause of your pain. Is it possible for you to schedule an in-person consultation with a CLEAR chiropractor? Our doctors are trained in advanced spinal rehabilitation strategies that can achieve results not just in people with scoliosis, but people suffering from many other different conditions as well.

  8. Yep fortunately for me, I got direct help for this issue that caused both lack of blood flow and also constriction of nerve signals. I only needed to visit a second doctor after I was not satisfied with the first doctors assurances that everything was fine. First advice was "chill out and listen to nice music". Second doctor has already started medication for relief, physio plans, x-ray and I know how to help myself of paramount importance. Don't take no for an answer on this one. A quick CT or MRI of your head is not enough to check for the usual scary related symptoms in your head. I had numbness above. Now that's already relieved and I'm working on posture. This was about posture and curvature of the neck and the anatomy of this region of the body.

  9. I think it was mentioned above about rounded shoulders, but do you think there is any correlation between cervical lordosis and rounded shoulders, or shoulders problems in general? As I'm keen to write about the subject... I've been doing exercises (below) for them but haven't considered whether a "straight neck" could put unnecessary pressure on my shoulders.


    1. Absolutely, yes! In the chiropractic profession, we often refer to the combination of loss of the cervical curve, forward head posture, and rounded shoulders as Upper Cross Syndrome (UCS), from the work of Dr. Vladimir Janda (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16641785, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19083651). Research looking specifically at the correlation between neck posture and rounded shoulders, however, is lacking, and the studies that do exist are (in my opinion) poorly designed in that they are looking at the wrong variables (finding no association between shoulder position and static craniovertebral angle, for example, does not mean that differences would not be detected in a more functional, kinematic evaluation). This list of research might be helpful in your studies, but keep in mind that research is an inductive science, and can sometimes be limited by its applicability : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?linkname=pubmed_pubmed&from_uid=27821964

  10. Is it strange to go from "Obvious increased thoracic kyphosis" in 2011 to "straightening of the normal cervical lordosis" in 2017? Thanks!

    1. There is a close relationship between the curve in the neck (the cervical lordosis) and the curve in the midback (the thoracic kyphosis). Usually, an increase in one curve results in an increase in the other, and a flattening of one leads to a flattening in the other. The cervical curve can buckle into a S-shaped curve over time; as a part of this process, it is possible to experience a loss of the cervical curve and increased forward head posture.

  11. Hi.. I have now just at 30 been diagnosed with all these problems.. I've been having pain for years, but was always told that there was nothing wrong constantly.. I finally got into a PM.. They did an MRI, and did X-Rays.. they found that I have 2 buldging discs in my lower back, Scoliosis, and narrowing of disc space I'm not sure what levels...Then that I have no curvature in my neck, at all..As far as I know they never measured and during this whole process never taken another X-Ray.. also my hips were uneven.. To be treated there I had to see their chiropractor.. They wanted to do injections in my back, but before insurance would pay for them I had to do 15 chiropractic appointments in 5 weeks...So I had to go 3 times a week..Then because I was having problems and extreme pain still after the 15 visits were done they put me at once a week instead of once a month.. On my own accord I went to see a spine specialist surgeon.. On my back this was his findings from X-Ray:

    Radiographs: Entire spine XR taken today shows right thoracic
    curvature of 9 degrees, left lumbar curvature of 18 degrees. Kyphosis
    measures 66 degrees from T3-L1. On her lateral XRs there is also slightly
    weding deformity of T9, T10 and T11 and T12 with vertebral changes.
    findings consistent with scheurmann's kyphosis

    Then I had another appointment with him about my neck, he's sending me to get an MRI done but so far on X-ray is:
    Cervical spine x-ray today shows there is flattening of the cervical
    lordosis. Slight narrowing of the disc space between C5-6. No osteophytes

    Why I went for him definitely for my neck is because it's locking, popping and grinding a lot worse than before.. As well, this is what the chiropractor told me that 2 discs are popping (or they might of meant buldging) out because when I move my neck and it pops it locks up and I suddenly get a headache that puts me on the ground & takes hours for it to least get to where it's not horrific.. Medicine won't make it go away and I have to deal with it until I go back to the chiropractor.. It's really terrifying me.. My main question or want thoughts on is the whole disc thing in my neck didn't start happening until I started the chiropractor.. My hips didn't start hurting either until them.. They just say my body isn't use to it.. Could I please get your thoughts on why you think this is happening? Do you think they are damaging me more? I'm highly concerned... Thank you!

    1. I'm afraid I cannot provide medical advice over the Internet, without having the opportunity to fully review all of the information and treatment records. However, you might find our List of Questions to Ask Your Doctor helpful: https://clearscoliosis.wpengine.com/treating-scoliosis/questions-to-ask-your-doctor/

      The CLEAR Scoliosis Treatment protocols do not involve any procedures where the chiropractor uses his or her hands to rotate or "twist" the neck. In our clinical experience, many patients with scoliosis have joint hypermobility & ligament laxity that often extends into the neck as well. Certain types of chiropractic adjustments can place strain upon this ligaments. Rather, we recommend using a precision mechanical adjusting instrument (such as the ArthroStim from Impac, Inc) to adjust the cervical spine.

  12. Hi. PLEASE HELP. My x-ray came back stating a reversal of the cervical curvature at C5 and also a slight rightward mid thoracic scoliosis. No evidence of fracture and spacing between discs are ok. Can someone explain what this means. I am experiencing extreme mid back pain, neck pain, and frequent headaches. I have never been in an accident or received any kind of trauma to that area. Any explanation will be greatly appreciated!!!

    1. A CLEAR Certified chiropractor would be able to review your x-rays and help you understand the significance of the findings, as well as provide treatment that would help to restore the natural, healthy curve of the neck. I highly recommend you reach out to one to schedule a consultation either in-person or over the phone! https://clearscoliosis.wpengine.com/find-a-doctor/

  13. My MRI scan shows that I have reversed cervical lordosis at C3/C4, Right T2/T3 right posterolateral disc protrusion that impinges on anterior spinal cord, and L4/L5 dehydrated broad based bulged disc that encroaches on the right anterior recess and medial foramen and compresses the right L4/L5 nerve roots. I have been having back pain and neck pain for about 10 years, do you think these defects can be cured and what could have caused these defect

    1. Advanced chiropractic care, combined with exercises and rehab, has been successful in the past in helping patient to manage symptoms similar to these. I would definitely recommend that you seek out a CLEAR Certified chiropractor, as they have undergone extensive training in techniques and therapies which can reverse spinal degeneration and improve the spinal alignment.
      Most conditions like this are caused by a combination of macrotraumas (big events like car crashes, slips & falls, and other accidents) and microtraumas (which are the small, repetitive motions or positions we repeat day after day, the place stress upon the same areas of the spine). When the spine is injured by a big event like a car crash, it becomes more susceptible to future injuries from both types of trauma.

  14. I'm 18yrs old... boy actually i found an accident 3yrs ago and i have cervical lordosis i really don't understand what is that ?? ...but i don't have serious condition because there is no operation need to my cervical i have been stronged after having accident BUT

    ..... ... The serious matter is im a gymnast before accident and after accident i will take rest for 2yrs and i wanna came back to my hobby and continue to play...

    Qs. The question is that am i play gymnast now ??

    1. A loss of the cervical curve can increase the risk of injury to your spine. Think of the curve in your neck as the shock absorbers in your car; if the suspension in your car is in good shape, going over a few potholes or railroad tracks won't cause any harm. But if your suspension is gone, hitting a bump in the road could cause serious problems to your car's frame and other components. In the same way, if you have a loss of your curve in the neck, and you want to be able to participate in high-level sports, you should start receiving care now, so that any bumps, slips, or falls will not cause an injury that could potentially prevent you from continuing to perform athletically.

  15. Hi! I took my 12-year-old to the ortho to check his neck... he has a "hump" at the top of his back/neck and I wasn't sure if it was a fat pad or spinal curve. They took an x-ray to be sure, and at the appt., the dr. pulled up the X-ray and said it was fine and it was just a fat pad from weight. I just got the X-ray report though and it says "Straightening of the normal cervical lordosis can be related to patient's position." What does that mean? According to your post above, is that an issue? And "patient's position"... wouldn't the x-ray tech have had him stand in the correct position? Thank you!

    1. I would suggest taking the x-rays in to a CLEAR chiropractor (or CBP chiropractor) for a second opinion. Chiropractors specializing in these techniques receive advanced training in x-ray analysis and spinal biomechanics. A corrective care chiropractor would be able to tell if you your son's loss of curve in the neck is truly due to patient positioning (in which case you are correct, that's poor technique on the part of the radiologist - with proper technique, patient positioning is not an issue, nor can it be responsible for the appearance of a loss of curve in the spine), or other factors.

  16. Had an x-ray and one of the things it says is there is a straightening of the cervical lordosis which may be due to a regional spasm and other things and the conclusion is - Cervical spondylosis with attenuation of the exit foramina as above. Left shoulder - there is a degenerative arthrosis of the acromioclavicular joint. thee is a Type II acromion profile. The acromiohumeral interval is slightly reduced. Degenerative sclerosis of the greater tuberosity.

  17. I suffer from neck pain and have numbness in my left hand. Ive had an mri scan what does loss of normal cervical lorddosis mean?

    1. Normally, your spine should have a curve in the neck that points forward; this is called a lordosis (a curve that points backwards is a kyphosis, and one that points sideways is called a scoliosis). When the curve in the neck is lost, it places greater strain upon the discs, joints, and muscles in the neck. Over time, as these structures start to wear out, the nerves that run through the neck to the fingers can become pinched, leading to numbness and tingling in the hands & fingers.

  18. What treatment options do I have?
    In 1983 I was in a car accident that required me to have a C1-C2 posterior fusion. Since then I have always had shoulder and neck pain & stiffness that has increased over time. My recent MRI & CT results say that I have reversal of the normal lordotic curve centered at C5-C6. Also anterolisthesis with degenerative changes at C4-C5 & C5-C6. At C6-C7 2 MM retrolisthesis. 2-3 MM broad based disc protrusion with no impingement. Moderate bilateral uncovertebral hypertrophic changes, greater on the left. Mild narrowing of the right and mild to moderate narrowing of the left neural foramen.
    A neurosurgeon recommended no surgery & conservative treatment. I am 49 years old and would like to stay active although lately it seems problematic. What type of treatment should I look for and from what type of doctor?

    1. Personally, I would recommend specific chiropractic techniques such as CLEAR, CBP (www.idealspine.com), or Pettibon (www.pettiibonsystem.com). A corrective care technique will emphasize restoring the alignment of the cervical spine, and use pre and post x-rays to measure progress.

  19. Dennis Lucas on Aug 15, 2017.

    Hi, I have a lot of neck pain, along with stiffness, sometimes balance issues as though I am feeling like I am falling. I injured my neck and back in a crash as an EMT on duty 2004. I was hospitalized for 3 days and release. I was informed that as result of the injury to my head and neck. I suffered with lordosis of the neck with c7 disc protrusion. Over the years I've been fine but soon as I reached my 30's I 've been having alot of neck pain and lower back pain as well. I also have a mild scoliosis of lumbar spine. I've beenbto therapy off and on over 3yrs.....also saw a chiropractor a few times for the neck and back. I feel like its not working effectively for me. Or may be it is but just taking time. I also tried aqua therapy within those 3 years. Now I am heading back to therapy because the pain and I am taking M R I for both neck and back tomorrow. What will best work for me?Options? I've tried physical therapy and it just takes long for my body to heal from it. Is it a really good option for me seeing that I've been taking it off and on for years?

    1. In my opinion, chiropractic care is a lot like good diet and nutrition. If someone has been eating junk food and not working out for many years, it will most likely take more than a few weeks of eating right and exercising to effect a change. Health is a journey, not a destination; a good rule of thumb is, for every year the problem has been around, expect it to take a solid month of good quality care to fix. It's also important to consider that not all forms of physical therapy and chiropractic are identical; if one approach doesn't work well for you, it might be worth your time to explore different techniques. Our List of Questions to Ask Your Doctor might be useful to aid you in finding the right doctor for your specific case: https://clearscoliosis.wpengine.com/treating-scoliosis/questions-to-ask-your-doctor/

  20. I am 54 year old female, has a fusion c5-6-7 four years ago, this year my neck collapsed above fusion so neurosurgeon pulled up neck and fused c4-5. I went back for X-ray after second surgery and x-ray says that I have straightening of the lordotic curve. Is this a result of the fusions or from DDD that I have in neck and spine? I had a 4-wheeler rollover accident in 2006, DDD runs in family. I have osteoarthritis everywhere also.

    1. The good curve in the neck (the cervical lordosis) can diminish slowly over time, as the result of repetitive stress upon the discs and soft tissues. The process of degeneration can also be accelerated by accidents and injuries, which. strain the muscles & ligaments, leaving them less stable and more vulnerable to injury. In the past, many surgeons did not recognize the importance of the cervical lordosis, and sometimes ended up fusing the neck in a straight or reversed curve. However, more and more doctors are recognizing the importance of the cervical curve and the sagittal alignment of the spine. The best doctor to advise you regarding your spinal alignment is a chiropractor, preferably one specializing in a corrective care technique that uses pre and post x-rays (such as CLEAR, CBP, or Pettibon).

  21. I just had an MRI for slight straightening of the normal cervical lordosis...i have back problems already for a few years and I'm only 31. My l-4 and l-5 are herniated...my right disc is bulging and I have arthritis in my lower back. Now that I found out about my neck...what does this mean? I know it is all connected but can it get worse...can all of it get worse? I'm ALWAYS in pain and now my neck hurts too. It also seems that my arms tingle up quickly....please help!

    1. Problems with the neck can lead to problems in the back, and vice versa. The discs of your spine depend upon motion to stay healthy; when an area in the spine becomes restricted or stuck, this can cause the discs in that area to weaken. If these discs are then subjected to stress (either one big event, or many small ones, repeated over and over), then they can start to herniate (or bulge) out from the spine. If they bulge in the wrong direction, it can irritate the nerves, which can cause numbness or tingling, like you describe.
      CLEAR chiropractors specialize in scoliosis, but our unique training in spinal biomechanics and rehab therapies can also be helpful in other conditions, such as disc herniations. If surgery, drugs, and physical therapy (or traditional chiropractic) haven't helped, you may want to consider scheduling a consultation at a CLEAR clinic. You can find a CLEAR doctor near you at: https://clearscoliosis.wpengine.com/find-a-doctor/.

  22. Could the loss of cervical curve in my neck be causing me the foggy brain feeling, head pressure and off balance feeling I have?

    1. A loss of curve in your neck, technically, doesn't "cause" any problems. It does, however, render your neck more vulnerable to developing certain types of problems. The symptoms you describe could be related to problems in your neck, such as alar ligament instability. Unfortunately, there's no way to know for sure without performing a physical exam, taking some x-rays, and seeing how your problems respond to treatment. If you're interested, we can help you find a doctor in your area who would be able to assist you in this regard. Find a CLEAR doctor at https://clearscoliosis.wpengine.com/find-a-doctor/, e-mail us at [email protected], or call us at (866) 663-7030. We're here to help!

  23. Hi my name is claidine and I am 18 years old. I just want to ask if I do have Cervical Lordosis. Recently I took an cervical xray and the remarks or the result of my xray says "cervical curvature is straightened" (I could not consult my because of some circumstances) and then I've been experiencing headache, stress on my shoulders and an alternate pain in my arms and legs EVERYDAY. And I want to ask if it affects my bowel . Thankyou!

    1. The curve in the neck originally begins as a reversed "C"; a loss of the curve means it is shifting more towards a "J" or "I" shape (military neck). Every nerve in your body connects to organs, tissues, etcetera, by passing through the neck to get there. Problems in your neck can affect many different parts of the body for this reason.

  24. Hello
    Sounds like you could help me please. Just had an x ray on the frontal view there is shallow scoliosis, comvex right. This may be positional. On the lateral view there is a steaightening of the normal cervical lordosis. The C7-T1 interspace is suboptimally assessed. There are moderate degenerative changes with narrowing, sclerosis amd osteophytes at C6-7. Less severe degenerative changes are seen at C5-6. There are minor degenerative changes posteriorly throughout the cervical spine. Visualized vertebral body heights are well maintained. I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada can you please refer me to a good doctor?

  25. I too have a lot of problems with my cervical spine. Loss of curve, lots of discomfort, etc. I also have Chiari Malformation and had the brain decompression surgery 5 years ago. So I am wondering what to do. Looking into chiropractic, but not sure if its safe with the history of my brain surgery. Anyone else have these problems?

    1. I'm guessing the surgery you are referring to is the removal of the occipital fossa and/or posterior arch of the atlas. Even after this surgery, a patient could still have other areas of the spine adjusted safely, without any problems.

  26. My neck feels like its pushing forward and makes it hard to catch my breath. Extremely uncomfortable.
    Yes, I have a titanium plate on the base of my skull.
    So you think very gentle chiropractic is ok?

  27. Hi I am having severe neck pain and numbness in hands and face and headache for last few days. I just got my MRI report:Straightening of cervical lordossis. Mild dextroscoliosis with tip at C5-C6. At C2-C3 and C3-C4 subtle anterolisthesis. At C4- C5, grade 1 retrolisthesis. At C5-C6 , grade retrolisthesis. Otherwise unremarkable cervical spine MRI. No canal of foraminal stenosis. NO nerve impingement . No significant posterior disc pathology.
    I get really sick in night , days are better. I have exams going on but when I study for too long it makes it worse. Will taking rest help? Also what kind of treatment might be useful and usually how long does it take to go the pain away? I Cant balance my neck should I use the neck collar kind of things?

    1. Anterolisthesis and retrolisthesis are the words doctors use when there is ligament instability causing the bones of the spine to slip forwards (antero) and backwards (retro). Ligament damage usually arises from traumas, such as a slip & fall or a car accident. The pain/sickness at night could possibly be caused by the slippage of the cervical vertebrae, and it makes sense that with an anterolisthesis, studying with the head flexed forward would increase pain. You would need to consult with a healthcare professional for treatment advice and prognosis, but in most patients, while rest might decrease the pain, it probably wouldn't heal the damage. The joints of the neck, discs, and ligaments heal best with pain-free motion; personally, I would not recommend a neck collar to my patients unless there was evidence of a fracture. Depending upon the severity of the injury, it could take 3 months to 2 years to heal completely.
      CLEAR chiropractors are trained in advanced diagnostic and treatment protocols which are specifically designed to detect and successfully rehabilitate ligamentous issues. I highly recommend reaching out to a local CLEAR doctor for an evaluation and consultation to see if they could help you!

  28. I suffer from loss of cervical lordosis. This happened due to an accident where i faced a head injury. My doctor has suggested Physiotherapy. To what extent would it help?

    1. The short answer is, that depends upon the extent of the injuries to your neck, and the training & specialization of the PT. In my opinion, chiropractic has a better chance of success with cervical lordotic rehab due to their familiarity with x-rays - but only if they also have the knowledge & the tools to effectively utilize the information from the x-rays.

      While general physical therapy may help with pain and muscle tension, when it comes to making measurable changes to the alignment of the spine, it is limited by restrictions many countries have placed upon a physical therapist's ability to take x-rays. Chiropractors have had the ability to take x-rays for over a hundred years, and those chiropractors who have chosen to specialize in structural corrective care (such as CLEAR, CBP, Pettibon, and many upper cervical techniques) have evaluated and refined their protocols over decades in order to achieve the best possible results in the shortest time frame. Now, there are certainly some physical therapists who have chosen to specialize in postural remodeling, and physical therapy is certainly very effective in complementing many aspects of chiropractic corrective care, so please do not assume that I am disparaging physical therapy (I work alongside four PT's currently, and they are incredibly knowledgeable and talented; in many areas, I defer to their expertise when it comes to muscle physiology). Indeed, physical therapy is a necessary component of restoring the curve; without soft tissue rehab, all the chiropractic adjustments in the world won't effect a long-term change in the alignment of the spine.

      Also, not all chiropractic techniques are equally effective when it comes to restoring the good curves in the neck. It's important to note that even if a chiropractor takes x-rays, if they do not analyze the x-ray for all possible mis-alignments and evaluate for signs of ligament instability, they may miss important factors which could render their care less effective.

      I hope this information is helpful! If you can find a chiropractor who specializes in structural corrective care and also works together with one or more physical therapists, that is probably the ideal treatment option for cervical curve restoration.

  29. Hello! One day i feel fatigue and tingling on my hands and shoulder. I just got into a orthopedic surgeon and he require to get xray.My xray shows i have a reverse cervical curve. My doctor suggested i need to drink vitamin b complex and need to go into therapy. Im entering my 3rd on therapy next week and i still feel pain in my shoulder and weakness of hands. Ive been improve a bit from the 1st time i get there. is it normal and i just need to continue on my physical therapy?

    1. While working with the muscles through physical therapy is definitely a good idea, the muscles attach to the bones. If the bones are out of place, only a chiropractor can help to re-align them. I would suggest seeing a chiropractor near you; you should be able to tell if it's helping within a week or two. If you still notice no improvement, it might be a good idea to get an MRI of the neck to see if you have any problems with the disc or impingement of the nerve roots.

    1. In my opinion, yes, emotional health does affect physical health. Stress releases neurotransmitters which can cause the muscles to tighten up more than they would otherwise. How you feel can also cause changes in your posture which may influence your pain and soreness.

  30. I was diagnose with reverse cervical curve. I was having a therapy for about 3 weeks now and i still have weak shoulder is this safe?

    1. What type of therapy are you receiving? Is it chiropractic, massage, or physical therapy? It's also important to consider the cause of the weakness in your shoulder. Some potential causes could be Rotator Cuff Disorder, Adhesive Capsulitis, Shoulder Impingement Syndrome, scapular dyskinesis (where the shoulder blade does not rise up with the arm as it should), or internal rotation of the humeral head (also known as rounded shoulders or Upper Cross Syndrome, common among people who spend a lot of time working on computers). Chiropractic has been found to help with all of these conditions! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28554433

      A recent study found that simply adjusting one bone in the neck significantly improved shoulder strength, as well as reductions in the frequency of their shoulder pain. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28885296 If that's just from adjusting one bone, imagine how much the shoulder could improve if the entire neck and spine were also to be adjusted!

      Regarding safety, the potential side effects of all forms of manual therapy are minor. The most common side effect is muscle soreness, and serious side effects are extremely rare. However, if you continue to not see any results after another week or two, I would recommend switching therapies.

  31. my MRI impressions:
    1: reversed cervical lordosis liky due to muscle spasm
    2. Mild C5-C6 disc bulge with a superimposed central annilar tear. Mild facet hypertrophy. Sexondary minimal left neural foraminal stenosis.

    For more than two months now, i'm suffering from numbing and tingling both hands and feet, neck and shoulder pain.
    I've done 6 sessions of HMP with tens, ultrasound, exercises and cervical traction from my therapist

    1. Foraminal stenosis refers to narrowing of the hole where the nerve exits the spine. It commonly causes symptoms like those you've described. The real question, though, is what is causing the stenosis? Joints of the spine that are functioning normally will not degenerate like they will if they are dysfunctional. Only chiropractors are trained to restore normal spinal joint motion. CLEAR chiropractors are trained in advanced rehab procedures that are extremely effective in making changes to the alignment of the spine - whether that may be scoliosis, cervical lordosis, or thoracic kyphosis (Scheuermann's disease).

  32. My MRI impression:
    1. Reversed cervical lordosis
    2. Mild c5-c6 disc bulge with a superimposed central annular tear. Mild facet hypertrophy. Secondary minimal left neural foraminal stenosis.

    1. According to research published in the Journal of Biomechanics in 2005, reversal in the cervical lordosis makes the spine more vulnerable to injury. This may be how the annular tear occurred at C5/C6, despite all other symptoms being mild. Of all the findings on your MRI, the annular tear is the most serious. An annular tear does not usually occur unless the disc has first suffered severe degeneration, causing a loss of its structural integrity over time.

  33. Doc, what can i do aside from the therapist given like the ultrasound, hmp with tens,exercises and traction?
    And whom could i seek help to? Thank you so much

  34. and by the way, i’m from the philippines. I tried chiropratic masage and acupuncture also.
    Thank you so much for sharing infos Doc. I’m so gratelful and I really appreciate it.

  35. I have had my second neck fusion c4-5 and c5-6 and my pain is out of control. Doc said I have reversal of the cervical lordsosis. And now I am fully disabled and all he is doing is feeding me full of pain meds and that is it. Neurosurgeons assistant said they were working close to my spinal cord and probably damaged my spinal cord!! And so here take all these pills and good luck. I need help I have no other doctor and with my Head injustices I do t know what to do or how to find a doctor to help me with this.

    1. Using chemicals to treat a physical problem is like trying to fix your car's alignment by changing the oil; they are two entirely different systems. Pain medication may mask the symptoms, but it does not treat the cause. In fact, with the pain signals being blocked, you may actually be making the physical problem worse because the pain isn't there to encourage you to limit certain activities or motions.
      While iatrogenic (physician-caused) injuries can complicate rehabilitation, I would still encourage you to reach out to the closest CLEAR doctor to schedule a consultation over the phone or in-person; our advanced protocols can do more than just help people with scoliosis. While in my (admittedly biased) opinion CLEAR is the best choice for spinal rehab, CBP (www.idealspine.com) is another advanced chiropractic technique that has years of proven successes in structural corrective care; if, for any reason, you cannot travel to a CLEAR doctor, finding a CBP-certified doctor would be your next best option.
      I hope you find the relief you are looking for!

  36. Doc. please help me to understand my MRI impression is: There is straightening of the cervical lordosis which could be due to muscle spasm.
    -Cervical straightening as descrived.

    1. Normally, if you look at someone from their right side, the curve in the neck should look like a backwards "C". This is called the cervical lordosis.
      The natural, healthy curve in your neck can be lost due to accident, trauma, repetitive motions, or holding poor posture for long periods of time. As the neck becomes straighter, it increases the tension on the nerves, muscles, and other tissues.
      Some chiropractors (such as those trained by the CLEAR Institute) utilize advanced therapies & procedures to restore the natural cervical lordosis. For more information regarding whether a CLEAR chiropractor could help you, please call one of our treatment centers directly. You can find a complete list here: https://clearscoliosis.wpengine.com/find-a-doctor/

  37. In 2011 I had CT of spine. Cervical spine showed osteoplenia and reversal of the usual cervical lordosis at C5 with mild to moderate disc space narrowing c3-4 C4-5, C5-6. Small vertebral body osteophytes also. In addition there is uncovertebral hypertrophy and facet hypertrophy at same levels most advanced at C5-6. Went to a chiropractor who made it worse. I have lumbar issues also. Is it dangerous to not have these neck issues treated? I have dealt with neck and shoulder pain for so long that I can't even remember the start!

    1. Untreated spinal mis-alignments or restrictions can accelerate the degeneration of the spinal discs, increase the risk of muscle pain & chronic spasm, and lead to problems with the nerves over time. There are many different forms of chiropractic; my recommendation would be to use our List of Questions to Ask Your Doctor to help you find a chiropractor who might have a better chance of getting you the results you're looking for.

  38. hello I am 24 yrs of age suffering from dizziness since last 6 months..... I didn't noticed from where dizziness is comming but latter in few months I noticed I'm getting neck pain too did xray and got remark of loss of lordosis and due to neck pain I'm getting headache too what should I do please help me im suffering so bad

    1. Dizziness, headaches, neck pain, and loss of cervical lordosis can all be related. I would highly recommend that you seek out a chiropractor trained in structural corrective care, such as the CLEAR, CBP, or Pettibon methods to find out if they can help you!

  39. Hello, I see there's lots of comments, however I couldn't go thru each one at this time. I do have a question or two if you have the time to answer or give some feedback. I've been struggling w/ severe neck pain for the last 1.5 yrs. Have been to PT, Chiropractors, had injections, use a variety of ointments, pain rxs with very little relief. I do stretches every day along with a regimen of Motrin, pain rxs, stretches. My MRI said I have reverse cervical lordosis, annular tear, & mild stenosis. I'm a 42 yr old female nurse that can litteraly only go to work 3 nights a week & come home and do nothing else bc of the significant pain. I am a little over weight but have been trying to watch what I eat & walk a few times per week. Ty so much for your feedback.

    1. Hello,
      An annular tear is a significant & severe disruption of the integrity of a spinal disc; this could be one of the reasons why you've experienced very little relief from the methods you've mentioned. While we cannot provide medical advice over the Internet, I highly recommend that you consult with an orthopedic surgeon specializing in cervical spine surgery to see if an artificial disc replacement or fusion would be appropriate. You could also consider reaching out to a CLEAR Certified Chiropractor for an in-person or telephone consultation; if our advanced methods are unable to provide relief, it's highly unlikely that any form of chiropractic or PT would be able to do so.
      I wish you the best of luck in your quest for healing!

  40. Hello, my name is Antonio and thanks for the perfect instructive article. I’ve been diagnosed with cervical rectification a couple of weeks ago, but my symptoms began 4 months ago. They included back pain, left arm numbness and fatigue. I’m better now, only with a bit of cervicais muscle pain and limitation of movement to the side. My doctors told me to stop doing all kind of sports and I’ve been gaining a lot of weight, but they didn’t even avaluate me properly. Can you please tell me what kind of sports I can do during this process ? Can I run ? Swim ? Contact sports ( Muay Thai ? )

    1. Hello, Antonio! We're so glad to hear you appreciated the information.
      It's difficult to make accurate recommendations for sports & activities without having an opportunity to review your complete health history, medical studies (x-rays, MRI's, etc), and perform an in-person examination; I will do my best to provide some general recommendations, but please remember that you shouldn't make any significant changes without first consulti ng with a healthcare professional.
      Swimming, in general, is one of the best activities you can do for your spine. It's the closest we can come to a weightless environment, and taking pressure off the spinal discs is usually very beneficial when there are radicular symptoms (such as numbness & tingling in the arms). Swimming uses more muscles than almost any other activity, and the gentle resistance of the water provides just enough challenge to the muscles without over-stressing them, like lifting heavy weights can do. I typically recommend swimming as the ideal activity for the majority of my patients.
      Running involves repetitive shocks to the spine, which can sometimes aggravate some types of spinal problems; if you are going to run, it's best to invest in a very good, lightweight pair of shoes with good arch support and shock absorption. Run on a softer surface if you can (such as a track or on grass, rather than on sidewalks or concrete), and emphasize shorter, more intense sprints rather than long-distance jogs. If you begin to experience pain while running, or notice a flare-up in your symptoms after you go for a run, it's best to discontinue this activity and switch to something that involves less repetitive shocks, such as swimming or working out on an elliptical. Bicycling can be better in some ways (it doesn't involve shocks, and it's very good for the SI joints), but often it places your body into a poor postural position, compromising the good natural curves in your neck and low back, which can increase muscle fatigue and place additional stress on the spinal discs.
      Contact sports, I would definitely not recommend. If your spine is in an injured state, it can be more vulnerable to impacts and hits that normally wouldn't cause any significant pain or injury.
      In terms of a more thorough evaluation, I would recommend seeking out a chiropractor who specializes in structural corrective care. This means they will take x-rays before beginning treatment, and measure the alignment of your spine (including the cervical lordosis) to help them understand where your problem is coming from, and how to best treat the causes of your pain. CLEAR is one such technique (the information our doctors learn to treat scoliosis effectively also has applications in helping people with other spinal problems), as well as CBP (www.idealspine.com) and Pettibon.
      I hope this information is helpful! Please feel free to let me know if I can help you to find a doctor who will evaluate your case more thoroughly, and help make more detailed recommendations regarding what activities you should or should not do.

  41. Can cervical curvature loss bring about reflux like symptoms including globus sensation in neck,swallowing pain when having solid foods,strangled sensation around it, facial burn and twitching(eyelids occupital area) all the day round.??
    Thanks in advance...

    1. Yes, there can be a correlation between cervical lordosis and difficulties with swallowing & digestion. The nervous system is the master system of the body; it controls & regulates all of the other organs. All of the nerves that go from the brain to the body have to pass through the neck, so sometimes problems in the neck can have unexpected consequences upon other organ systems.
      My grandfather experienced difficulties swallowing after spending a month in traction & losing the curve in his neck (as well as problems with heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion), after falling from a ladder & fracturing a couple of his neck vertebrae. Once his cervical lordosis was restored through advanced structural corrective chiropractic care, these problems went away. Now, this is just one anecdotal example, and not everyone is guaranteed to experience these same results, but it is encouraging!

    2. Yes, there can be a correlation between cervical lordosis and difficulties with swallowing & digestion. The nervous system is the master system of the body; it controls & regulates all of the other organs. All of the nerves that go from the brain to the body have to pass through the neck, so sometimes problems in the neck can have unexpected consequences upon other organ systems.
      My grandfather experienced difficulties swallowing after spending a month in traction & losing the curve in his neck (as well as problems with heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion), after falling from a ladder & fracturing a couple of his neck vertebrae. Once his cervical lordosis was restored through advanced structural corrective chiropractic care, these problems went away. Now, this is just one anecdotal example, and not everyone is guaranteed to experience these same results, but it is encouraging!

  42. Dr. Josh Woggon, When I woke in the morning I felt my neck and back had a burning sensation. After 30 min, I could not hold my phone. Then I visited Chiropractor, he ordered X-ray. Here are the findings and Impression. I am nervous and scared, I have two young kids. Please suggest..Orthopedic? if I need to perform MRI for clear understanding?. Findings: There is mild reversal of cervical lordosis, the dense and lateral masses are intact. There is a disc height loss and endplate osteophyte formation at c5-6. Neural foramina is widely patent. IMPRESSION:There is reversal Cervical lordosis which can be positional or due to muscle spasm. Disc Degeneration at C5-C6.

    1. While I cannot provide specific recommendations, I can tell you that many patients with similar conditions have experienced relief from their symptoms through corrective care chiropractic methods such as CLEAR, CBP, and Pettibon. Although the research is far from conclusive, one study found that people with a reversal of the cervical lordosis (also called a kyphosis) were more likely to suffer from neck pain. Not every form of chiropractic is equally effective in restoring the cervical lordosis (see https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4671213/), and it's also important to consider that the neck is 3-dimensional; most research articles compare only one variable in one dimension (the cervical lordosis), without looking at the alignment of the spine in terms of frontal alignment & rotation. The CLEAR approach considers all of the variables in all three dimensions, to formulate an effective treatment plan.
      An osteophyte is like a bone spur, which can impinge upon the space where the nerves exit the spine (the neural foramina) and cause symptoms similar to what you are describing; it's important to recognize that osteophytes can sometimes cause problems only in flexion (tucking the chin) and extension (looking up), so an x-ray (or MRI) taken in a neutral position (looking straight ahead) can miss these important findings. The best method in my opinion is DMX (Digital Motion X-ray), which is like a video x-ray that can analyze the spine in motion (see an example here); unfortunately, this technology isn't widely used or recognized, even in most chiropractic offices (although several CLEAR doctors own DMX machines).
      If you are able to consult with a CLEAR doctor in person, they may be able to help provide you with more specific recommendations. Feel free to reach out to us at (866) 663-7030 or (612) 254-2702 for additional assistance!

  43. Thanks for replying Mr Woggon but none of any doctor I have seen to date said ıt was impossible including NS, FT and ENT doctors...

  44. 52 year old male, Rear-Ended in Motor Vehicle Accident by driver doing 35-40mph while I was sitting at red light, leaning forward with neck turned to left.

    X-rays of Lumbar Spine:

    Mild loss of disc height at L5-S1 with mild L5-S1 facet arthopathy.

    X-rays of Cervical Spine

    Straightening of Cervival Lordosis. Grade 1 resolisthesis at C5-C6. Disc height loss at C5-C6. Mulitlevel face arthropathy. On the left moderate bony neural foraminal narrowing at C2-C3, C3-C4 and C4-C5. On the right, moderate bony neural foraminal narrowing at C3-C4, C4-C5 and C5-C6.

    Awating MRI from Veterans Affairs for further damage study.

    Hoping surgery not needed for any of the items listed above?

    VA is not providing any info until after MRI in 3 weeks.

    1. Hello,
      While we cannot provide specific recommendations over the Internet, without evaluating the patient in-person or reviewing their medical records & images, I can share with you some insight & observations based upon the clinical experience of CLEAR's doctors.
      First, one often-overlooked aspect of whiplash injuries & motor vehicle collisions is the role of the alar ligaments. Dr. Glenn Stirling has a very well-written and informative article on this topic which is available here: http://tiny.cc/r02vfz. Many CLEAR doctors have advanced DMX video x-ray systems which are extremely good at detecting alar ligament damage that will typically be missed on a MRI.
      Second, retrolisthesis (backwards slippage of a bone in the spine) is often indicative of sub-failure or stretching of spinal ligaments (in this case, the anterior longitudinal ligament). If the ligaments in the neck are damaged, rehabilitation & restoration of the cervical lordosis becomes much more difficult & complex. It has been theorized that some types of chiropractic adjustments or physical therapy exercise can place stress upon injured ligaments, and potentially slow their healing. CLEAR has special protocols for ligament rehab specifically because of our experience in this area, and with scoliosis patients (who tend to suffer from chronically-loose or unstable ligaments & joint hypermobility).
      Narrowing of the foramina (the holes in the spine where the nerves exit) can be a source of shooting pains and numbness & tingling down the arms or legs.
      If conservative care (chiropractic and/or physical therapy) does not show any signs of improving their patient's symptoms after 4 to 6 weeks, most doctors would recommend consulting with a surgeon. Keep in mind, though, that there are many different types of chiropractic & physical therapy, and if one technique or practitioner doesn't seem to be helping, you might want to consider trying a different clinic before going straight to surgery.
      I hope this information is helpful!

  45. Hi, i found out I had cervical lordosis when I had thyroid surgery, I had alwaysbhad neck pain, and was constantly buying and changing pillows thinking I slept wrong. After having a thyroidectomy with complications I one day looked at an x-ray done while I was in the hospital. I read the comments and saw a doctor write patient shows reversal of cervical lordosis, with C5-C6 left paracentral disc osteophyte complex causing some indentation and possibly some flattening of the cord ventrally. No one ever told me of this finding because the CT was done looking for surgery complication due to infection. I have had no relief and am scared to death to have another surgery. I’ve tried exercise and am not sure anymore what kind of doctor to even see or what to do because I’ve had people say so many different things. I just am miserable most days constantly feeling as if I have a stiff neck.

    1. Hello,
      The CBP Non-Profit recently published a couple of research articles on the effect of restoring the cervical lordosis, in the Journal of Physical Therapy Sciences. There was also a recent article that talked about the correlation between loss of cervical alignment and degeneration in patients with cerebral palsy. It is possible to change the alignment of the bones in the neck, and these changes can lead to reductions in pain & improvement in symptoms! If there is not a CLEAR doctor near you, search the doctor database at http://www.idealspine.com. I highly encourage you to share your story with a chiropractor specializing in structural corrective care to see if they could help you!

  46. Doc,

    Please explain and advise, I got back my xray results prognosis there is a loss of the cervical normal cervical lordosis, prevertebral soft tissue, otherwise unremarkable. Anterior longitudinal ligament calcification, no clinical significance.

    What are the treatments being getting headaches and feeling dizzy.


    1. While we cannot provide healthcare advice to specific patients over the Internet, I will say that chiropractors specializing in structural corrective care (such as CLEAR, CBP, or Pettibon) have the most experience in handling these types of cases. A medical doctor or a chiropractor without advanced training in corrective care might not recognize certain signs or problems on an x-ray, and might not have the tools & training to treat these sorts of problems effectively. I would highly recommend that you Find a Doctor near you, and share your x-ray with them. They would be able to answer your question in more detail.

  47. Hello,

    An X-ray of my neck showed “mild reversal of the cervical lordosis.” In layman’s terms, what does that mean exactly?

    Thank you!

    1. Normally, when viewed from the side, our spines have three natural, healthy curves. These curves help to provide the spine with strength & stability. These healthy curves can be lost due to trauma or repetitive strain (such as working on a computer for long hours, day after day). When this happens, it places additional strain upon the muscles and the nerves, and can lead to other problems.
      You can find helpful definitions for many technical terms related to the spine & scoliosis in our Glossary, and additional information about the cervical lordosis in this article as well.

  48. I had a laminectomy at L4 on the left side in 2000. This was in a bid to eradicate chronic back pain. It actually made the pain worse. I got a sore back while recovering from surgery on right leg and arm. I was limping but they kept saying would come right, it didn't. Anyway in 2013 they saw a marked scoliosis and a straightening of the cervical lordosis. Now in 2017 on the left side they see large osteophytes at L5, severe deformity of facet joints, L4 nerve has significant canal stenosis. Severe degeneration on left margin ofL4/5 with osteophyte formation. At L3/4 there is severe narrowing of left intervertebral foramen with osteophytes and the left L3 nerve root appears compromised in and lateral to the foramen.
    At L2/3 there is significant nerve root compromise. Severe left posterior facet joint degeneration at this point
    I am 58 years old so scoliosis is a bit unusual at my age.
    Given that all the problems are on the left side, and only appeared since the laminectomy , is my collapsing back as a result of this.
    Also can you help converting these technical terms to plain English and do you have any treatment ideas.
    The surgeon says the scoliosis has passed the angle where it needs welded together but due to my size said I would bleed out on the slab, yay. I am in New Zealand so some treatments are limited but would appreciate any ideas you might have.

    1. A laminectomy is a removal of a portion of a bone in the spine (the lamina), and is usually done in an attempt to remove tension or pressure upon the disc or spinal nerves. It's disturbingly common for spinal surgeries to fail to address low back pain or other symptoms, because removing or fusing portions of the spine does not improve the mechanical function of the joints of the spine. From a functional, chiropractic point of view, problems that "go away by themselves" don't really resolve for the better - they just cause dysfunctions in other areas of the spine in the body's attempt to compensate for the original problem. The pain might go away, but then it tends to show up in another area as those joints start to wear out. This could be why the lordosis (the natural, healthy curve in the neck) started to disappear and the scoliosis developed.
      Osteophytes (bone spurs) develop when the body starts turning ligaments into bone in an attempt to prevent further deterioration or instability from occurring. These bone spurs can then cause narrowing of the intervertebral foramen (IVF's), which are the holes where the nerves exit the spine, leading to burning, numbness, or tingling down the arms or legs (nerve root compromise). Stenosis is the fancy doctor word for narrowing (typically referring to the spinal canal or the IVF's).
      It is highly likely that many of these problems are related, and possible that a skilled chiropractor could help to restore (or at least prevent further loss of) your spinal function. Due to the advanced nature of the degeneration and the fact that many of these problems have existed for many years, it's important to have a candid discussion with your doctor about what results you might reasonably expect, and also to recognize that treatment might be lengthy in duration. It's not practical to expect a few chiropractic visits to totally fix problems that have been around for years, although you should start to see some degree of improvement within 12 visits. Should you choose to try chiropractic, I would definitely recommend you seek out a chiropractor with advanced training in spinal biomechanics, such as Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP - the only one I could find in NZ was http://www.levinchiropractic.co.nz) (sadly, we do not have any CLEAR Certified chiropractors in New Zealand currently, although you could consider traveling to an Intensive Care Certified doctor in Singpore or the US).
      I hope this information is helpful. Please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] if you have questions or would like more information. I wish you all the best of success in your healthcare journey!

  49. Hi,
    Does reverse cervical lordosis causes or is it a 'factor to obstructive sleep apnea?

    Thank you in advance for your reply.

  50. Reversal of the normal cervical lordosis with Apex at C5
    C2 to C3 no significant spinal canal narrowing. Mild facet hypertrophy. Mild right neural foraminal narrowing
    C3 C4 grade 1 interior spondylolisthesis. Right side hypertrophy. Mild spinal canal narrowing. Moderate right neural foraminal narrowing.
    C4 C5 grade 1 anterior spondylothesis. Mild moderate asymmetric disc osteophyte complex, larger on the right, deforming the ventral right spinal cord. Moderate severe right neural foraminal narrowing period relating primarily to uncinate hypertrophy.
    C5- C6 grade 1 retrolisthesis.. mild moderate broad-based disc stripe complex effacement of the thecal sac and compression of the spinal cord. Mild moderate right neural foraminal narrowing. moderate severe left neural foraminal narrowing. bilateral uncinate hypertrophy.
    C6 C7 grade 1 retrolisthesis. Mild broad-based disc osteophyte complex, abutting the ventral spinal cord. Moderate bilateral neural foraminal narrowing.
    C7- T1 no significant spinal canal narrowing no significant neural foraminal narrowing
    Findings there is a reversal of the normal cervical curvature similar to the prior exam. 2 mm anterolisthesis of c3 on c4, 3mm anterolisthesis of c3 on c5, and 4mm retrolothesis of c5 on c6 all appears similar compared to the prior MRI. Associated Vance disc space narrowing at C5 C6 and C6 C7 with moderate disc space narrowing present at C4 C5 are also unchanged. Flexi on an extension views are included. Demonstrating no abnormal motion the dens and lateral masses are intact and normally align soft tissues are normal .
    1. multi-level grade 1 listhesis at C3 -C4, C4 -C5 and C5- C6 appear unchanged.
    2. Advanced cervical degenerative disc disease similar to Prior MRI.
    Prior MRI was done 12 7 2015
    Compared to most recent MRI done 5/8 2018

  51. Above your find my MRI findings I am 51 years old and terrified of of the surgery. Athletic and now everything is depending on me having a surgery which I put off. I just want to know what exactly is going to happen to me according to this. My doctor says I will eventually become paralyzed that's all I get please help me understand what I can expect if I don't get the surgery in your opinion should I get the surgery anterior cervical decompression and fusion corpectomy I'm sure and the one that starts with an L. Lost my job because of this. Can't seem to get a job. Thought I'd make a mark in the world and do something with my life.

  52. I am from the Philippines, I dont know where can I find the best chiropractor here. I am suffering from reversal cervical lordosis due to wrong posture, I am experiencing it for almost 2 years. I also tried acupuncture and had stretching thrice a day at home and in work. Its really hard for me cause I really feel the tension in my neck and experiencing headache everyday. Palpitations, and sometimes hard to breath. I have two kids and It feels like there 's no cure for it. I undergo physical therapy many times but still it wasnt cured

    1. Dr. Daniel Jarvis is a chiropractor in the Philippines who recently signed up for the CLEAR Online Scoliosis Seminar. If you would like his contact information, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

  53. Hello. My partner has lost his natural cervical curve (straightening), in combination with a bit of scoliosis.
    It started with neck and back pain, stiffness, then swallowing problems, blurry vision, distorted hearing, diziness, shortness of breath. Every kind of examination (neurological, gastro etc) was normal, the only thing they found is this neck deformity but all those physical doctors don't even mention it anymore. My partner goes to 2 of them every month, they only crack his neck and give him a muscle relaxant. Symptoms keep on poping up... pain everyday...
    We live in Belgium. Is there any specialists here who could treat this problem?
    Thank you.

    1. Hello,
      Unfortunately there are no CLEAR Certified Doctors in your area (the closest would be in Madrid, Spain), but you may have some success finding a chiropractor who specializes in advanced, corrective care chiropractic techniques such as CBP (www.idealspine.com), Pettibon, or others. One truly exceptional doctor I would recommend very highly would be Dr. Mark Berry, of the American Spinal Clinic in Sofia, Bulgaria. Even if it is not feasible to travel to his clinic to receive treatment, it would be worth your time reaching out to him, as he may be able to recommend a specialist in your area.
      I wish you and your partner all the best of health & happiness!

  54. I am 32. Hypermobility..my head feels like a bowling ball and is hard to keep
    It up some days . I feel like I want to take my head OFF and catch a break sometimes... no headaches or symptoms besides a constant urge to crack my neck. I have been going to the chiro for years now (wondering if that’s accelerated my straight neck ????).. I am a hygienist.... 5 years in and also work on my phone . I’m a recipe for disaster! What I am wondering is, should I modify any traditional excercises for straight neck due to my hypermobility and career/lifestyle. I had a PT tell me that yoga is bad for me Bc I am already SO loose and Mobile (part of the problem). It’s just hard to know what the right treatment is with so much misinformation. Thanks Inadvance!

    1. Hypermobility can be just as difficult to deal with as hypomobility. Oftentimes hypermobility can be associated with ligament instability. If you are experiencing ligament instability, manual adjusting of your neck would be contraindicated. In patients we see with ligament instability in their neck, we only adjust with an instrument. Also correcting the cervical or neck curvature is typically the most effective type of treatment for someone with hypermobility. I would urge you to see a chiropractor who specializes in that if yours does not. As far as modifying any current exercises you're doing, we would be unable to do that without seeing your x-rays. All exercises that we prescribe are on a per patient basis and individualized to their specific x-rays. If you're interested in having a second opinion from one of our CLEAR doctors who specializes in ligament instability and correction of the cervical curve, I would suggest contacting the CLEAR doctor closest to you and having them evaluate your x-rays.

  55. Please let me know what this means- emergency room Dr ordered this MRI and I had to pick up the results from the imaging center. I have no idea what any of this means. I have constant neck pain, my shoulders are always arched up and I can never relax them, severe headaches, ringing in the ears, with severe jaw pain and every bone in my face feels broken. It is constant pain 24/7. I am 44 years old, and I was a gymnast and when I got older, I was a gymnastics instructor. I have also cleaned homes for 25 years. The pain is only getting worse. I use to be so active and energetic- but, now I literally never want to do anything because I am in constant pain. I had to beg my Dr to do an MRI of my Cspine. I have been telling him for several years that something is wrong. He never listens to me.
    My MRI states :
    Straightening of cervical lordosis. Moderate to severe height loss at C5-6 with mild disc height loss in cervical spine. Discovertebral margin osteophytes at C4,C5, C6.
    C3-4 mild disc bulge with narrowing of central canal.
    C4-5 dis bulge with narrowing of central canal.
    C5-6 disc osteophyte complex with moderate central canal stenosis, and abutment of the anterior surface of the cervical spinal cord. Moderate bilateral neural foraminal stenosis secondary to unconvertebral osteophytes.
    C6-7 small right paracentral disc protrusion with moderate focal narrowing of the central canal right of midline. Abutment of the adjacent surface of the cord right of midline.
    C7-T1 Bilateral facet arthropathy. Moderate right neural foraminal stenosis. Mild left neural foraminal stenosis.
    Lower cervical spine degerative disease and facet arthropathy.

    1. Hello, Amanda,
      I would highly suggest contacting your primary care physician to review the MRI results with you and determine a plan of action to help you with your symptoms and issues you are having. They are the ones who have you under their care. If you are considering alternative treatment options, you are welcome to have your x-rays/MRI sent to one of our CLEAR Doctors to determine if you would be a candidate for care in one of their offices. To do that, please visit our website's "Find a Doctor" page to find the closest CLEAR doctor to you. Best of luck.

  56. I am 27 and have had neck/shoulder pain for nearly 2 years despite no significant injury and finally got an MRI, which revealed a bulging disc at C6-7 and reversal of cervical lordosis centered at the C5 level. I do not have pain down my arms or anything that feels like a pinched nerve, but just have constantly very tight muscles around the neck/shoulders. Is this type of muscle pain potentially caused by the reversed cervical lordosis or bulging disc and what type of treatment could possibly restore the lordosis or fix the bulging disc?

    1. Hello, Russell,
      Yes, the reversal of the cervical curve could cause the issues you're having. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctors specialize in restoring these curves. I would suggest contacting the closest CLEAR Scoliosis doctor to you for an evaluation or consultation to determine if you would be a candidate for the type of treatment we provide.

  57. I have been diagnosed with cervical spondylosis rediculopathy and mild straighting of cervical curve. I am taking physiotherapy and other necessary posture changes. Im 28 only. I want inquire will jacobs ladder help restore my natural balance and curve ??

    1. Hello, Ankita,
      That is not something that is part of the protocol we use at CLEAR Scoliosis Institute. If you are looking to consult with one of our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctors about restoration of your curve, I would recommend going to our website to find the CLEAR doctor closest to your location.
      Best of luck to you.

  58. I am diagnosed with cervical spondylosis with Multil level degenerative changes in C4-5 and 6-7. My ortho doctor treated me with physiotherapist ( manual only). My X Raye repprt states Straightened Cervical Curve whereas MRI repoprt states Normal Cervical curve so pls help me understand whether both are same terms or different

    1. Typically with cervical spondylosis, there is a straightened cervical curve, so the x-ray report makes sense. If the MRI report states normal cervical curve, I would discuss between the doctor who performed the x-rays and the doctor who performed the MRI, as they should be stating the same information. Also, if you are interested in assistance with the cervical curve, our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctors are trained in how to restore the cervical curve. To find the closest doctor to you, please visit our website and under Find a Doctor you are able to enter your zip code. Best of luck.

  59. I recently had an MRI and is stated
    Normal cervical lordosis is reversed with kyphotic apex c5-c6.

    What does this mean. The dr hasn’t addressed this at all. Thank you

    1. A lordosis is when the neck has it's normal natural curvature. A kyphosis is when that curvature is reversed.

      Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Doctors have extensive training in restoring the lordosis. If it is something you would like to address, I would encourage you to visit our website and click on Find a Doctor to find the doctor closest to you who could help you with this. Best of luck.

  60. Hello. In early 2018 I had MRI's done of my cervical & lumbar spine due to severe pain I had been experiencing. (I had previously had a C4-C5 fusion in 1996). At that time I was told that I had reverse cervical lordosis from C3-T1, (It has been ages since I have had a Thoracic MRI so it could extend further for all I know). The MRI of my lumbar spine also showed problems. Since then, I have felt a major and rapid difference in my pain & deterioration of daily life). Please assist me with advice on what to do now. Your help is greatly appreciated asap, as my days are becoming so much more difficult. Thank you!

    1. Hello, Tracy.
      Thank you for reaching out. Restoring the normal or "good" curves of the spine can be difficult. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Doctors are trained in techniques as well as equipment available in their office to help with the restoration of these curves. Oftentimes losing these curves can result in pain and other symptoms. My recommendation would be to contact the closest CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctor to you, which can be found on our website. They would be able to have a consultation with you to determine if they could assist you with the issues you are experiencing. Best of luck.

  61. I have a reversal, but I also have Ankylosis Spondylitis c3 and osteophytes contributing to narrowing in c4-5 and c5-6, as well as mild facet anthrosis thru out cervical. My first Drs app is Wednesday, so I have so many questions pertaining to my rehabilitation. My neck mobility is so limited, not really knowing which condition is contributing to that or the nerve pain, extreme muscle weakness, spasms, stiffness, and over all misery.

  62. CAN you folks explain a little the below diagnosis and what treatment would be needed?

    There is subtle reversal of the normal cervical lordosis. This could
    be positional or may relate to muscle spasm. There is moderate
    narrowing of the C4-5 and C5/6 interspaces with anterior and
    posterior osteophytes of the endplates at these levels. There are
    mild degenerative changes of the facets throughout the cervical spine.

    1. Oftentimes straightening in neck results in disc irritation and degeneration, which can lead to osteophytes and degeneration. Our doctors are trained in how to rehabilitate the neck to help restore its natural curvature. This requires specialized equipment and customized exercises for each individual that our doctors have been taught to prescribe. To find the closest CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctor to you, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Best of luck.

    1. Straightening in cervical lordosis can cause many symptoms, one of which can be difficulty swallowing. Our doctors are trained in how to rehabilitate the neck to help restore its natural curvature. This requires specialized equipment and customized exercises for each individual that our doctors have been taught to prescribe. To find the closest CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctor to you, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Best of luck.

  63. Please I need your help there is straightening of the cervical curvature due to muscle spasm...for about ten years now.please what the solution

    1. Hello, Olatunji.
      Oftentimes a straightening in cervical lordosis results in pain, muscle spasm and irritation. Our doctors are trained in how to rehabilitate the neck to help restore its natural curvature. This requires specialized equipment and customized exercises for each individual that our doctors have been taught to prescribe. To find the closest CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctor to you, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Best of luck.

  64. My husband (34yrs) just recd his MRI report. He has been undergoing medication and physiotherapy sessions since Jan 24 for acute neck and shoulder pain. The MRI states the following,
    - Straightening of spine with disc desiccations at all levels.
    - Diffuse posterior disc bulge with small left paracentral disc protrusion at C3-4 level, with mild compression of left traversing C4 nerve root.
    - Diffuse posterior disc bulge at C4-5 level with no neural compression.
    - Diffuse posterior disc bulge with bilateral posterolateral osteophytic ridges &right paracentral disc osteophyte complex at C5-6 level with compression of bilateral (right>left) traversing &right exiting C6 nerve roots with stenosis of right lateral recess &neural foramina.
    - Diffuse posterior disc bulge with left uncovertebral arthropathy at C6-7 level with compression of left exiting C7 nerve root.

    There has been no accident or injury. The above is related to bad posture and possibly stress.

    What are the treatment options in the above case?
    Do exercises, physiotherapy work?
    Does using a neck brace and a postural correction brace help?

    Kindly advise.

    1. Hello, Manjula,
      It seems the loss of the normal curvature in his neck has caused degeneration to happen. The best way to address the degeneration or slow it down and reduce the symptoms without surgery is to re-establish the curvature in his neck to its proper position. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctors are trained in correction of the neck lordosis. They have specialized equipment in their offices that helps to rehabilitate the area and also formulate a customized exercise treatment plan to follow at home based on his x-rays. To find the CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctor closest to you, please visit our website under "Find a Doctor". Best of luck to you.

  65. Hi
    I have been experiencing neck pain for quite some time which I had been putting down to stress and treating with massage. However, following a recent MRI of my neck to investigate any issues with from Silent Reflux, the scan raised the following comment from my consultant:
    'The radiologist also reported there is 'mild scoliosis of the cervical spine with degenerative disc osteophyte at C5/C6'
    My neck stiffness is still present and if anything worse. Since the report on 20 March I am experiencing pins and needles, aching and stiffness in my right hand and mildly in my left. My pinkie is numb and cold. There is also a burning sensation at the base of my neck. With the current COVID19 I am quite concerned as to which direction is the safest and best way to turn. If you have any suggestions or advise I would be very grateful.

    1. Hello, Jane,
      It seems like you may have a loss of the normal curvature in your neck, which has caused degeneration to happen. The best way to address the degeneration to slow it down and reduce the symptoms you are having without surgery is to re-establish the curvature in your neck to its proper position. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctors are trained in correction of the neck lordosis. They have specialized equipment in their offices that helps to rehabilitate the area and also formulate a customized treatment plan for you to follow at home based on your x-rays. To find the CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctor closest to you, please visit our website under "Find a Doctor". Best of luck to you.

  66. I am a 50 year with Bulging disc/osteophyte complex extending into the left lateral recess and left neural foramen resulting in mild-to moderate central stenosis and moderate left lateral recess and foraminal stenosis with compression of the exiting left C6 nerve root.

    At the moment I am uncomfortable sleeping and my mid back (by the kidney) has electric pain that spasms mostly in the morning. Pain does radiate down my left and right thighs.

    As long as I take Skelaxon, Mobic and Trileptal all is well.

    The minute I stop the episodes start all over again.

    At this point what kind of physician should I be seeing?

    1. There could be options depending upon what treatment you are seeking. You have the option to see an orthopedic surgeon who could possibly recommend some type of fusion surgery. If you want to avoid surgery, you could contact one of our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctors to determine if they could help you. The information provided would suggest you have a loss of lordosis, or straightening of the cervical spine/neck. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctors specialize in restoring the healthy curvatures of the spine without surgery. To determine if you would be a candidate for the type of care we provide, I would suggest looking on our website under "Find a Doctor" to find the doctor closest to you. Best of luck.

  67. Merci for your informative article. What are the most common economically priced analgesics for someone with both cervical and lumbar lordosis. Would a referral to a pain clinic that uses image guided injection (e.g of small dose of Cortisone) assisted by Fluorscopy.

    1. Hello, Carole-Lynne,
      Unfortunately, our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Doctors do not perform injections and are therefore limited in a referral or information for you. Our Doctors specialize in restoring the loss of lordosis in both the cervical and lumbar spine in order to improve function and reduce pain. They perform this without analgesics or surgery. The use of analgesics is often temporary, if at all helpful. The best way to approach pain is to target the source by restoration of the curvatures. If this is something you may be interested in, I would suggest you contact the CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Doctor closest to you, which can be found on our website under "Find a Doctor". Best of luck.

  68. Hi,
    I have indication of reversal of cervical lordosis on my MRI scan and report. In November 2019, I started feeling dizziness (Off-balance and dis-equilibrium). Since that month the dizziness has been constant and I feel like I am always swaying. This is present even without neck pain sometimes. Since Jan or Feb, I have this sharp pain on the left upper-back side. It burns and the burning sensation radiates to the front as well. Makes me breathless and nauseous. Is it possible for loss or reversal of neck's curve to cause pain in the upper back? Could you also please tell me how to get in touch with a good Chiropractor? I live in India. Will really appreciate your suggestion. Thank you.

    1. Hello, Aruna,
      Yes, the symptoms you are describing can be associated with a reversal of cervical lordosis. Unfortunately, we do not have a CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Doctor in India. I would, however, suggest possibly a chiropractor associated with MaxLiving, as they have several more doctors internationally. They may have a chiropractor associated with their organization who can help with restoring the curvature in your neck. If you are not successful finding a chiropractor through MaxLiving, I would suggest contacting one of our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Doctors. The list of CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctors can be found on our website under "Find a Doctor". Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Best of luck.

  69. This is an MRI result of my neck. Can anyone tell me what this all means? There is straightening of the normal cervical lordosis. The overall alignment is intact. The vertebral body heights are well-maintained. Multilevel degenerative disc disease is present with disc space narrowing at C5-6 and endplate spurring. The cervical cord signal intensity and cervical medullary junction are unremarkable.
    At C3-4 there is mild to moderate left foraminal narrowing without significant central spinal canal stenosis.
    At C5-6 there is disc bulging and hypertrophic change of the uncovertebral joints resulting in moderate bilateral foraminal stenosis and mild central spinal canal narrowing.
    At C6-7 there is mild disc bulging and hypertrophic change of the uncovertebral joints resulting in moderate bilateral foraminal stenosis without significant central spinal canal narrowing.
    At C7-T1 there is posterolateral disc bulging without significant central spinal canal or foraminal narrowing.

    1. Hello, Albert,
      There should be a normal, natural curve in your neck that helps your spine with strength, flexibility and mobility. When you lose that natural curvature, it causes degeneration to happen faster than normal. In your case, the degeneration has spread through several levels of your neck, causing the "cushions" called discs between your bones to become smaller and flatter. It appears it has also caused degeneration of the bone, as well as indicating that this has gone on for some time now. The good part is that most areas are showing little to no narrowing of the canal the spinal cord sits in just yet; however, if something is not done to help restore the natural curvature, that may be what will happen next. My suggestion would be to seek treatment with one of our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Doctors who specialize in restoring the curvature of the neck to reduce any symptoms you are having, help restore the normal lordosis or curvature to your neck, and reduce the disc changes that have happened to create stability to prevent further damage. The CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Doctor closest to you can be found on our website under "Find a Doctor". Best of luck.

  70. My diagnosis includes reversal of the cervical lordosis, as well as moderate osseous neuroforaminal stenosis at the bilateral C3-C4 level and degenerative retrolistheses, grade 1 at C3-C4, C4-CC5 and C5-C6. I experience pain in neck, along left shoulder (more than the right); pain down arm, to elbow with tingling pain in left hand. Unable to make a fist of left hand.
    This info has been helpful. I am scheduled for facet injections and PT but would chiropractic help, or
    massage therapy? Any suggestions?

    1. Hello, Shirley,
      There should be a normal, natural curve in your neck that helps your spine with strength, flexibility, and mobility. When you lose that natural curvature, it causes degeneration to happen faster than normal. In your case, the degeneration has spread through several levels of your neck, causing the bones to change shape, indicating that this has gone on for some time now. There is also indication of ligament instability and narrowing of the canal the spinal cord sits in. Facet injections or even PT may help mask the pain temporarily; however, they will not address the cause of the problem, which is a flattening of the normal, natural curvature of the neck. My suggestion would be to seek treatment with one of our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Doctors who specialize in restoring the curvature of the neck to reduce any symptoms you are having, help restore the normal lordosis or curvature to your neck, and reduce the degenerative changes that have happened to create stability to prevent further damage. The CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Doctor closest to you can be found on our website under "Find a Doctor". Best of luck.

  71. What does this x-ray result mean: Reversal of the cervical lordosis centered at C4 on C5 is present.
    Grade 1 anterolisthesis of C4 on C5 is also noted. No gross dynamic
    instability is identified. No definitive displaced fractures
    identified. The facet and uncovertebral joints are maintained
    alignment however poorly characterized.

    1. Hello, Frances,
      Reversal of cervical lordosis means that the curvature in your neck is going the opposite direction as it should. This is an issue that can create many symptoms as well as speed up the process of degeneration of your neck. Anterolisthesis of C4 on C5 indicates possible ligament damage allowing the vertebrae to slide back and forth. These issues can be addressed by one of our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified Doctors. They have specialized equipment in their offices that help both of these issues. Treatment in a typical chiropractic office will not normally be able to help you with these problems. I would suggest contacting the closest CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified office. To find the nearest office, please visit our website under "Find a Doctor". Please let us know if you need further assistance. Best of luck.

  72. Can cervical lordosis be a result from ALS. I have ALS and the above mentioned condition which I long to overcome. Thank you!

    1. A loss of cervical lordosis can be a result of many things. It would be difficult to determine if that is exactly where it came from; however, there are many ways our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Doctors are trained in restoring the curvature. Our Doctors have specialized equipment in the office to address this issue and also prescribe patients at-home exercises based on their individual exercises to help stabilize and maintain any achievements obtained in the office. I would suggest contacting the nearest CLEAR Scoliosis Center to you to determine if one of our highly trained Doctors would be able to assist you in determining if you would be a candidate for the type of care we provide. You can search for the CLEAR doctor nearest you on our Find a Doctor page. Best of luck.

  73. Several years ago, I suffered headaches that stemmed from my neck. I knew that if I didn't stop the pain before it reached the base of my skull, it would be severe. One day my arm went numb, and my doc told me to come straight in. X-rays showed a reverse curve in my neck, and this had pinched a nerve causing numbness. The stress of that time period migrated to the muscles in my neck and shoulders. The doc said the muscles were pulling so hard that they were pulling my spine out of alignment. I don't suffer that problem anymore, but I have to elevate my monitor at work to avoid debilitating neck pain. I have to sleep with my head in one certain position. It affects my everyday life. I am in Mobile, AL now. Do you have any recommendations?

    1. Hello, Kimberly,
      Thank you for reaching out. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified Doctors work with restoring the proper curvatures to the neck. Our clinics have specialized equipment in their offices to achieve that correction that a standard chiropractic office would not have. Our Doctors also prescribe specific exercises to each patient based on their x-rays to help build musculature to restore the curvature and stabilize the neck. I would suggest contacting the CLEAR Scoliosis Center nearest to you to help with your reversed curvature. To find the nearest clinic, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Best of luck.

  74. Hello, I have anterolisthesis at C3; and loss of cervical lordosis. I am 69, and have had 3 weeks of neck pain and strain, sore trapezius on left.
    I am anxious that chiropractic treatment may cause more injury. Do you have a referral for body work or other modality in Burlington, Vermont region?
    I will be having PT tomorrow and a cervical X-ray.
    Thank you

    1. Hello, Val,
      Thank you for reaching out. An anterolisthesis indicates ligament instability in the neck. When the ligaments are unstable in the neck, manual neck adjusting is oftentimes contraindicated. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Doctors have training in how to treat this condition to address the ligaments through rehabilitation with specialized equipment in their offices, as well as specific instrument adjusting techniques that would not create more injury, but rather help heal the instability. I would recommend contacting the CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified Doctor nearest you to determine if you would be a candidate for care. To find the nearest clinic, please visit our website and click on Find a Doctor.
      Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

  75. I have this and have started doing the exercises. If all goes well, and I work hard (while seeing my chiropractor 3 times a week) how long will it normally take to go back to a curve? Does it ever go back to normal?

    1. Hello, Claire,
      Unfortunately, those are questions you need to ask your chiropractor. There are several factors that could play a part in this. It would depend on patient compliance (exercise and treatment), history (motor vehicle accidents, injuries, etc.), age of patient, amount of damage/degeneration, whether or not there is ligament instability, etc. These are all things your doctor will know and can factor into the questions you are asking. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified Doctors have specialized equipment in their office to help restore the cervical curvature. They also prescribe specialized exercises that are customized per patient. They have extensive training and skills in order to help correct and maintain cervical curvatures. If you are not receiving treatment through one of our centers, I would suggest contacting the center nearest you to receive the type of care we provide. To find the nearest center, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Best of luck.

  76. Hi - I don't know if I'm a total lost cause...there is so much that's "not right" with me! Survivor of 2 unrelated cancers, female, 60 years old. Have been complaining about back pain for many years - put it down to fatigue and over work and bad posture. Then on the cancer and treatments. However, recent CT scans indicate:

    - reversal of cervical lordosis; endplate osteophytosis on the left from C4-5 to c6-7; degenerative facet hypertrophy on the left from C3-4 to C5-6
    - Thoracic and lumbar spine demonstrates sinusoid scoliosis, 17 deg. apex left in the thoracic spine and 21 deg. apex right in the lumbar spine.
    - Accentuated thoracic kyphosis.
    - Marked facet degeneration at the L5-S1 level.

    I feel my doctor is down playing my condition by "recommending only conservative treatment and medication". I'm worried about likely suffering more back pain and neurological damage as my situation degenerates further. I'd appreciate your opinion.

    Thank you!

    1. Hello, Aly,
      Thank you for reaching out. Yes, these types of degenerative conditions typically worsen over time. We always encourage patients to seek care sooner rather than later. It appears you are having issues in the neck, mid back, and low back, aggravated not only by degeneration but scoliosis as well. The scoliosis is in a mild stage with the degrees at 17 and 21; however, there is a good chance that may increase, knowing the other issues involved. Your age or degree of curvature does not hinder care in one of our clinics at all. I feel your best suggestion would be to contact the nearest CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified clinic to have your images sent to them and determine if you would be a candidate for care in one of our offices. To find the nearest clinic, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Best of luck to you.

  77. Good afternoon, I have just got my CT results which state...Spinal fusions C3/C4 and C5/C6 (from birth ). Adjacent segment disease with uncovertebral joint arthosis. ? No surgery needed at this stage, ? How bad will it get before surgery ?

    1. Hello, Joanne,
      It sounds as if you were born with some fusion and other areas are becoming arthritic due to the lack of motion at the fusion levels. Typically in those cases they tend to base a surgery decision upon the pain levels. Surgery, however, is always up to the patient. I would suggest working with those levels that are not fused to help restore the natural curvature of the neck and slow down the arthritic, degenerative process. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified Doctors have specialized training, as well as customized equipment in their offices to address cases similar to yours. I would suggest contacting the nearest CLEAR center to determine if you would be a candidate for treatment in their office. To find the nearest office, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Best of luck to you.

  78. There is slight reversal of the normal cervical lordotic curve plus OA(xray)
    This was found due to a fall onto my back on ice. I did not hit my head but every cord in my neck was very sorry. I have a concussion, I have a headache for the past 8 days, plus numbing in neck area more on the 8th day. On the 7th day I had changed bedding and washed them. After that extreme headache. Dr appt on Tuesday the 22nd.

    1. Hello, Karen,
      Sorry to hear of your situation. Depending on how long ago your fall was, the slight reversal could be due to muscle strain of your neck. I would suggest being very cautious considering the headache and concussion and follow up with your primary doctor or neurologist to monitor those. To determine if you have a true reversal of your cervical spine, you will have to wait for your current condition to settle down and have a follow up x-ray, typically 6-8 weeks following the fall. If you do show a reversal of curvature at that time, I would suggest then reaching out to one of our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified Doctors for some assistance to help restore the curvature. Our Doctors have specialized equipment in their offices that are made just for that purpose. They also help rehabilitate discs and ligaments of the neck with vibration therapy. To find the clinic closest to you, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

  79. Hello I am a mom with EDS and three kids with EDS. Myself and tow of my children are affected with reverse cervical lordosis. One of my children also has a 3mm sphinx from C1-C7. He popped his own neck as he routinely did and had a serious reaction from it. Ever since he has experienced several things. initially he lost his ability to swallow food and lost 45 pounds. Only after that did testing begin and the reversed lordosis, sphinx was found. he was also diagnosed with mild cervical instability. Since then he has chronic severe constipation, been diagnosed with slow motility, has no ability to put his muscle he lost back on and also has to take 2 caps of miralax, 1-2 senekot dual action and a prescription laxative daily to use the restroom. His diet has never returned to normal. He cannot eat many foods anymore and has to eat small snacks every four hours instead of meals because he cannot process them. He also had a full MRI that revealed a second sphinx in the L1 region and possible occult spina bifida. this started in 11/20. First MRI was in January, second MRI in April 2021. He is having numbness and tingling in scapula, down right arm and has very cold hands. Follow up MRI done on cervical sphinx 5/2022 showing unchanged 3mm sphinx C1-C7. Neurology released him with follow up one year. To say I am a frustrated mother is an understatement. Can you give me some direction on what or where to go to help my kids please!!!

    1. Hi, Ms. Bernard, thank you for your question. I'm so sorry to hear what you’ve been going through with your family. I'm assuming when you say sphinx you mean Syringomyelia? Just hearing your history of EDS, syringomyelia, and curve reversals, I can understand why you're having so many issues. Unfortunately, the traditional route is Ortho/Neuro consult where you're stuck in a watch and wait protocol. Normally the biomechanics in the spine necessitate proper curve for optimum spinal cord and nerve function. Any type of reversal will alter the proper function of the nervous system. Now complicate that with EDS, which directly effects ligament laxity and a syringomyelia, and you have a system that is compromised. In CLEAR offices, our goal is to optimize nervous system function by optimizing spinal position. Personally, I have had experience were between myself and another physician who does prolotherapy, and in combination with our treatments, we have had amazing results in changing spinal position with patients with EDS. At this point, I would encourage you to find the closest certified CLEAR physician, as they are all trained in advanced spinal biomechanics. If travel is an option, look for an Intensive certified CLEAR physician, as they are more trained in complex cases such as yours. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We're happy to review your case and give you better options.
      -Dr. Alex Greaux DC

  80. We were recently in a car accident, April 18th, 2022 we were rear ended. My doctor said my daughters x-ray came back as normal but if she is still having problems she should see a physical therapist. I was looking over her x-ray as she keeps complaining of her neck pain she does finally have an appt coming soon.
    Her findings state

    Bone mineralization and maturation are normal for patient age.
    The bones are intact without acute fracture or focal osseous
    Vertebral body heights and disc spaces are maintained.
    No radiographically discrete facet arthropathy.
    The atlantoaxial relationship appears maintained. The dens appear to
    be intact.
    There is maintenance of the normal lordotic curvature of the cervical
    No spondylolisthesis.

    We are now september 10th and she still says her neck pain gives her trouble.

    1. Hello, Sarah,
      I can imagine this could be frustrating. Please keep in mind that x-rays are taken to see potential broken bones or tumors. They do not provide any information regarding soft tissue, which is often what is damaged in a car accident. An MRI is typically what is preferred to see any soft tissue damage. If she is still having issues at this point, it is likely that it could be more than a common muscle strain. The report you provided shows everything is normal on x-ray. If you would like a consultation with one of our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified Doctors to provide another opinion as to if they notice anything peculiar on her x-rays they would be happy to do so. To find the CLEAR Scoliosis Center nearest you, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Best of luck.

  81. I had a private MRI scan which showed a loss of lordosis (amongst other wear and tear). I also suffer from constant low level headache and constant neck pain, including sharp jabbing pain like a trapped nerve. I am at a loss as to where to go from here.

    1. Hello, Mike,
      I am sorry to hear this. Unfortunately, this is a very common situation for people. A loss of lordosis can cause several neck issues, including radiation of pain, headaches, cervical spine degeneration, etc. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified Doctors specialize in restoring the lordosis of the cervical spine. They have specialized equipment in their offices to achieve just that. Patients are also sent home with customized exercises to maintain correction they achieve in their doctor's office. I suggest having your images sent to the CLEAR Scoliosis Center nearest you to determine if you would be a candidate for care. To find the closest clinic, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Best of luck. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

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