Our blog post, Understanding Your Spine: Cervical Lordosis, explains the importance of a good, healthy curve in your neck. We’ve received so many wonderful comments & questions that we decided to do a follow-up post to help you understand more about common diagnosis procedures, medical terms, and treatment options for a loss of cervical lordosis.
It’s important to first note that there are many people who have lost the good curve in their neck, but aren’t currently experiencing any pain or symptoms at all. Not having a good curve in your neck isn’t guaranteed to cause neck pain; rather, it’s more accurate to say that it increases the chances that you will have neck pain in the future. People who have poor posture are more likely to have neck and low back pain, problems with their spinal discs, radicular symptoms (such as numbness and tingling down the arms and hands), and tension in the neck and shoulder muscles.
It also increases the vulnerability of the spine to injury. People without a good curve in their neck are more likely to suffer serious injury if they are in a car crash or experience a similar serious trauma, such as falling from a great height or being struck on the head by something heavy.
As the curve in the neck is lost, the pressure on the discs increases, along with the tension on the spinal cord. The muscles in the back of the neck and shoulders become stretched and tight, having to work harder to support the weight of the head. Imagine carrying a heavy bag of groceries out in front of you with your arms fully extended, rather than holding it close to your body. As the good curve in the neck is lost, the head moves forward, and it starts to feel heavier in the same way. The body can adapt and continue to function like this for a while, but the additional pressure takes its toll and causes your spinal discs wear out (degenerate) faster than usual.
As you lose the good curve in your neck, the first thing you might notice is tense and aching muscles in the neck and shoulders. A massage or hot pack might provide some temporary relief. Eventually, the aching returns, because the muscles are constantly under stress due to the changes in your posture and spinal alignment.
The longer you live with a straight or reversed curve in the neck, the more the ligaments and discs start to change shape. Ligaments and discs connect bone to bone. They play a role in preventing bones from moving too far apart and communicating the body’s position to the brain. Ligaments and discs have plasticity, meaning that if they are subjected to a constant load, they will start to deform and change shape. Muscles can stretch or contract and still return to their original shape without any permanent changes or damage. But as the ligaments and discs change shape, the amount of time and effort needed to restore the good curve increases. For this reason, it’s usually much easier to restore the cervical lordosis in a younger individual, who hasn’t lived with poor posture for years.
The discs in your spine rely upon motion to stay healthy. They are like little hard sponges, which push out waste products when squished and absorb water and nutrients when the pressure is removed. When the shape of the neck changes, the way the segments move also changes. The discs end up bearing more and more of the weight of the head. Some segments don’t move as much as they used to, while other segments end up moving too much, causing other problems. The increased weight and decreased motion accelerate degeneration of the discs. When the disc has degenerated too much, in addition to becoming more vulnerable to injury, it starts to lose height and become thinner.
If the spinal disc is weakened and compressed, it can start to bulge. A protrusion into the area where the nerves exit the spinal canal can cause radicular symptoms, such as numbness, tingling or burning pain down the arms or legs.
If the disc is too weak, an annular tear, a rupture in the outside of the disc, can occur. The material inside of the disc can then spill out. This is called disc herniation and is much more serious than a protruding disc. Oftentimes, surgery is the only way to treat a disc that has suffered an annular tear leading to a herniation.
It’s possible to have a bulging disc (or even a herniated disc) that doesn’t cause any pain. In this case, the protruding or herniating material has probably gone in a direction that doesn’t irritate any nerves. However, the integrity, strength, and function of the disc are still reduced. This can lead to problems with the discs above and below that area as the increased stresses start to wear them down as well. Simply put, if an MRI shows that there is an issue with one or more of your spinal discs, you shouldn’t ignore it just because it isn’t causing any pain.
There are a variety of ways to prevent the loss of cervical lordosis in both children and adults.
“Tech neck” or “text neck” is an informal term used to describe the damage that happens to your posture and spine when you spend long periods of time looking down at a computer or phone screen. When the head bends forward, it feels heavier. (In physics, this is called a moment arm.) According to research, bending the head forward by as little as 15 degrees more than doubles the apparent weight of the head, making the muscles work twice as hard. Bending the head forward 45 degrees (as most people do when they are checking their phone) increases the weight of the head by about four times as much!
The solution here is simple. Lift your phone to the level of your eyes, rather than bending your head down to look at it. When working at a computer, position the bottom of the monitor at eye level or higher. If you work on a laptop, you could invest in a wireless keyboard or connect a second computer monitor to keep yourself from looking down. It’s also very important to take periodic breaks to stretch, get up and move around. Our spines depend upon motion to stay healthy so sitting in a bent-forward position for a long period of time can be very harmful if it is done day after day.
Several studies have documented the postural changes which occur as children grow into adults. This could be related to things like sitting in school desks for long periods of time, wearing heavy backpacks, using a smartphone, playing video games or watching TV. People with postural abnormalities are more likely to have pain, and it’s helpful to teach children about the importance of good posture early on. The longer it goes on, the harder it can be to rehabilitate and change those negative patterns.
Many medical doctors are not trained to recognize the problems that poor posture can cause, nor how to treat it (or even that it needs to be treated). For the most part, poor posture is not something that can be treated effectively by drugs. Painkillers and muscle relaxants might reduce the symptoms, but they won’t fix the cause of the pain or muscle tension. And most spine surgeries involve fusing the spine, not restoring normal motion and function. However, as researchers continue to document more and more evidence regarding the association between poor posture, pain and health-related quality of life, some surgeons are beginning to recognize the importance of the spine’s alignment when performing spinal surgeries.
Physical therapy and traditional chiropractic can sometimes help with poor posture. It’s worth the time and effort to seek out a practitioner who recognizes the importance of good posture and has undergone specialized training in how to treat it effectively. Some techniques are more effective than others when it comes to improving posture and spinal alignment. So if you feel one technique isn’t working, don’t give up on chiropractic or physical therapy altogether. Many of the patients we help tell us they tried chiropractic or physical therapy before without significant results.
The best treatment method for restoring the cervical lordosis and treating “text neck” is a corrective care chiropractic technique, such as CLEAR, CBP, or Pettibon. Chiropractors who specialize in structural corrective care take x-rays to measure the alignment of the spine and utilize specialized methods to achieve results. They’ll then follow up with additional x-rays and/or posture pictures to demonstrate that a correction was achieved. There is no substitute for results!
Do you think you may be suffering from a loss of cervical lordosis? What questions do you have for us? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.
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I am a middle aged woman, I have had scoliosis for some time . I also have thyroid problems. I have read a lot of the comments listed ,I would like to ask if low back pain, with pain in my groins,sometimes catches .I feel this affects my balance,and my legs hurt a lot after grocery shopping. Its hard to lift my legs into the car.I don't trust my legs and dancing was a favorite thing for me to do Can you suggest something to get any of this back?
Chiropractic care can often help many patients with low back pain, hip pain, and/or pelvic pain. CLEAR's network of certified doctors represents the largest network of chiropractors specializing in scoliosis and how it affects the body. There is hope for healing - contact a CLEAR doctor today to schedule a phone or in-person consultation! If there is not a doctor near you, please visit our blog to learn more about your options.
I have loss of cervical lordosis, osteoarthritis and herniated disks in my neck. I also have had my sternum opened up and wired shut. This was 2 years ago and I still don't feel like my sternum is completely healed at times. I am not sure a Chiropractor is the right move for me. What are your thoughts?
There are many different types of chiropractic treatments and therapies, and a skilled chiropractor will perform a detailed & thorough physical examination, as well as take x-rays, to identify any areas that should be treated, as well as those areas which should not. Typically, you will know if a particular chiropractor is the right choice for you after about 6 to 12 visits. If you don't experience any improvements in that time, it might be a good idea to consider visiting a different chiropractor's office. Don't give up on chiropractic altogether; many people make the mistake of thinking that "I tried chiropractic, and it didn't work for me." That's like taking an aspirin for a stomachache and when it doesn't work, saying, "I tried medicine, and it didn't work for me." There are different forms of chiropractic, and not all of them are equally effective for the treatment of every condition. Personally, I prefer chiropractors who specialize in some type of corrective care technique, such as CLEAR, CBP, or Pettibon. These techniques use advanced systems of x-ray analysis to objectively determine the prescribed treatment & exercises, and to judge the effectiveness of care. Not going to a chiropractor at all is very risky; when a joint in your body becomes restricted, it can have far-reaching consequences upon your health. Movement is essential for life; it is how many tissues in our body stay healthy. The body may adapt to the dysfunction and the pain may come and go, but the joints, muscles, nerves, ligaments, discs, and tendons will all wear out faster and your long-term function & quality of life can become impaired as a result. I would recommend visiting three or four different chiropractors in your area, learn more about the techniques they use and their philosophy of health, and select the one that resonates with you. Finding the right chiropractor and committing to ongoing chiropractic care can potentially be one of the best decisions of your life!
May daughter aged 31 yrs is having a loss of cervical lordosis and high uric acid count 7.6 mgdl. What should be the treatment for her.
I am afraid I cannot provide medical advice over the Internet. I would recommend that you consult with a healthcare professional who can review your daughter's x-rays and lab results, as well as her medical history, and perform an in-person examination. With this information, they will be able to recommend possible treatment options.
Dear Dr Josh Woggon,
Could you please recommend a specialist in Sydney, Australia to treat my 'loss of normal cervical lordosis' condition?
Thank you
I would recommend a chiropractor specializing in CBP (Chiropractic BioPhysics, http://www.idealspine.com) or Pettibon Spinal Biomechanics. Ideally, you will want to seek treatment at a chiropractic office which utilizes pre- and post-treatment x-rays to measure & objectively demonstrate the effectiveness of care.
Fortunately, there are many great doctors in Sydney, including Dr. Jeb McAviney, the developer of the ScoliBrace and the lead instructor for CBP's work with scoliosis. You could also reach out to Dr. Daniel Dahdah of St. Jude's Clinic, who is a former CLEAR Certified doctor with a creative & innovative approach to spinal rehab.
I'm not sure but definitely it feels neck is not connected with rest of the body forward head and tight muscles around shoulder and neck and have shoulder not in relaxed position. i believe causing winging of scapula on right side .
poor posture. and mild S curve scoliosis
i think i have to go through hardship for next 2-3 years (as in my country INDIA we don't have chiropractor)
I'm 21 years old. Today got my MRI report saying cervical lordosis straightened. I'm having severe neck and shoulder pain since 2 months. Is it a serious problem? If so what are the treatment methods?
Thank you for reaching out. Loss of cervical curve or lordosis can become a serious problem. Obviously you are experiencing some of the issues currently with the neck and shoulder pain. It also puts you at higher risk of disc herniation and increased rate of spinal degeneration. The treatment methods the CLEAR doctors use are highly focused on restoring the curves of the spine. We use both equipment in the office as well as at home rehabilitation to address this issue. I would suggest seeking treatment sooner rather than later before these more serious issues happen. If you would like, we can direct you to a CLEAR doctor closest to you. Please let me know how we can help. Best of luck.
Pls I just had an X-ray which result reads: There is straightening of cervical spine likely due to muscle spasm.
Bone density, alignment, end plates, intervertebral disc spaces and posterior elements are within normal limits.
Prevertebral soft tissue is normal.
Pls what could this imply and is it treatable?
Thank you for reaching out, Betty. Whomever took the X-ray should have explained to you what that verbiage means. I would contact them to have them discuss that with you. Straightening of the cervical spine means that you have lost the good curve or the lordosis of the cervical spine. As far as it being caused by muscle spasms, I don't know if you were in a car accident or something that would have caused the muscles to be in spasm. It does not mean that you have scoliosis. If you are looking to address the loss of curve in the neck, our doctors do specialize in curve restoration. You can find the closest doctor near you on our website. Please let me know if we can be of further assistance. Best of luck.
Please, i just had an xray which result reads:
C1-C7 are visualised. Loss of cervical lordosis. The height of the vetebral bodies and dics spaces are normal. No evidence of lytic or sclerotic lesion. No evidence of fracture line in the anterior and posterior elements. Normal anterior prevetebral soft tissues. No evidence of acute bone injury/bone destruction/bony outgrowth/erosive arthropathy.
The pain I feel starts from the neck, down to my shoulder, breasts and behind my back (right sides. Is that normal?
Thank you for your question. I would like to start by stating that this interaction does not constitute an evaluation and or a diagnosis or recommendation. You should find a qualified practitioner to evaluate you, and one is easily found on our website. Yes, these findings as listed on your X-ray impressions can be associated with the pain/symptoms that you are describing and are usually improved and corrected with treatment. At this point, as it sounds you are uncomfortable due to the symptoms, our best recommendation is to immediately contact the closest doctor to your location, found here, and set up a consultation.
MRI and xray showed loss of lordosis in neck and a mild disc bulge in c4_5 with indentation in sac however no nerves compression. I'm now having headaches, pain in neck and spine etc.
Thank you for reaching out. I can understand how that would be causing the headaches and pain you have been having. A loss of curve in the neck can absolutely create those issues and it is important to do something to address this problem before it becomes any worse. Our CLEAR doctors specialize in curve restoration and have gone through extensive training on how to correct and minimize these issues to help patients get rid of pain. Most chiropractors are not trained on how to restore curvatures of the neck and results would be limited without seeming a doctor who has experience with this. If you are interested in received care by one of our CLEAR doctors, you can find the closest doctor near you by putting in your zip code here. Please let me know if we can be of further assistance. Best of luck with your future health.
I have a right thoracic curve (fused) and have been pretty fit overall. Unfortunately now I have a pinched nerve-- i drive a lot and it caused a forward head posture, as well as using the laptop at work. All of a sudden I noticed numbness/tingling in my right index finger. I did a left side neck stretch and a forward one and it went away for one day. But then it came back and never left. Then my right shoulder (which is usually lower than my left) elevated and became tight all of a sudden. I lifted something and then I had bad radicular pain shooting down my arm for 3 days. I alleviated pain with right pec stretch and shoulder retraction; however, use of the arm would cause my nerve to flare at times. The xray showed reversed lordosis and minimal osteophytes C5-C7 with mild disc degeneration a C6. I have been resting for a month, doing stretches to improve my posture. Chin tucks/shoulder retraction used to feel tight, but now I can do them without pain. Also, my nerve is less easily flared although the mild hand and tricep weakness is still present. I have mild spasms my right shoulder and hips at times. I tried PT; however, everything just seem to flare up my nerve and I was told I need to just rest and heal. When I do certain stretches, my entire hand would feel tingling and now I'm wondering if I also have thoracic outlet syndrome. No sure what to do or what is causing all the symptoms. I'm concerned everything will get worse as I age. Any advice will be helpful.
Thank you for reaching out. From the way you are explaining your issues, it would suggest the reverse lordosis is the main cause. Stretches, rest, etc., will potentially calm it down; however, without correcting the cause of the problem, these symptoms will continue to persist. Our CLEAR doctors are trained in curve correction and use both specialized equipment as well as specific at-home exercises tailored to each individual patient to address these types of problems. It is not something that you are able to do alone, unfortunately. If you would like to consult with one of our CLEAR doctors the website will direct you to the closest doctor to you, here. Please let me know if we can be of further assistance. Good luck with your health.
I am 54male. COMMENTS
Mild cervical scoliosis with loss of normal cervical lordosis.
I experience severe giddiness whenever I move my head, in any direction! What is the cure or advice to reduce it?
We recommend contacting the CLEAR-certified doctor nearest you to see if they can help. You can find a list of CLEAR doctors here.
I received my x rays on a DVD today with my radiology report and it says my lordotic curve is severe and decreased. I have terrible pain towards my lower back and right side it gets so bad sometimes where I don't even feel like walking. It also says on my report my kyphotic curve is severe and decreased and I also have arthritis through my back and I'm only 19 years old . is that normal?
Hello, Zachary,
That is not normal, especially for someone your age. I would imagine they discussed treatment options for you. If not, I would suggest asking them to discuss treatment options. If you're interested in CLEAR treatment as an option, I would suggest finding the closest doctor to you and having your X-ray sent there. You can find the CLEAR doctor nearest you here.
Received my MRI saying I have straightening of the normal lordotic curvature of the cervical spine. As well, I have multilevel degenerative disc disease and unconvertebral joint arthropathy throughout the cervical spine with variable degrees of canal stenosis and neural foraminal narrowing. Both shoulders also have pain due to their own set of issues including torn labrum, frayed rotator cuff and severe osteoarthritis with spurring at AC joint. And bicep & clavicle tendinosis & bursitis. I’m a mess. My knees are bone on bone. Right now I’m seeing a Spine Pain Management Doctor, neurologist, & have tried chiropractor, massage & physical therapy. Where is your nearest CLEAR doctor to OKC?
The two nearest CLEAR doctors are Dr. Nick Weddle in Belton, MO (816-425-5578), and Dr. Collin Hilliard in Austin, TX (512-331-9999).
My MRI results read - Reversal of lordosis centered at C5-C6. There is disc narrowing and
anterior spondylosis. Disc osteophyte broadly effaces the sac slightly greater
right paracentrally. There is some flattening of the cord. No obvious
myelomalacia or edema however. There is mild foraminal narrowing.
At C6-C7 mild disc narrowing is present. Disc osteophyte slightly eccentric to
the left effacing the sac. There is no significant foraminal stenosis.
At C2-C3 and C3-C4 the discs are normal. At C4-C5 minimal disc osteophyte
effaces the sac. At C7-T1 the disc is normal. The cervicomedullary and
cervicothoracic junctions are intact. There is no intramedullary or intradural
abnormality. No marrow infiltration is present.
1. Motion degrades detail. Reversal of lordosis centered at C5-C6.
Spondylosis most marked C5-C6 and C6-C7 with some flattening of the cord at the
C5-C6 level. No myelomalacia or edema. Findings are similar to the previous
Could you please explain and what are any possible alternatives to surgery?
Hello, Kimberly,
Restoring the cervical curve can oftentimes help with the symptoms of what you have going on, as well as lessen the disc issues. You may want to try that before going the route as something as invasive as surgery. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctors are trained in how to work with and restore cervical curves that have similar findings as yours. You can find the closest CLEAR doctor to you by going onto our website and clicking Find a Doctor. Once you put in your zip code it will locate the doctor closest to you.
Best of luck.
Thanks for explaining that a weakened or compressed spinal disc can lead to neck pain. I've been having neck pain for a few months now. I'm glad I read your article so I can have my spine looked at for issues soon.
I got an MRI on my neck and it came back with two things:
1. There is straightening of the normal cervical lordosis without significant subluxation.
2. C3-C4: 2 mm posterior disc osteophyte complex (bone spurs) without significant central canal or neural foraminal stenosis.
I've been dealing with symptoms for over 10 months now. hHeadaches on both sides of my head, just below the temples. I have upper back pain and back of head pain as well if I lay down for too long. I also get facial pain when I try to fall asleep, in my teeth area. When I sleep both my hands start to tingle with my lower extremities and the top of my head. I get up and change positions and it happens all over again. I also experience neck numbness from time to time when trying to fall asleep. My left foot has been tingling for two months straight nonstop. Blood work and EEG tests came back fine. Been going to PT for 3 months hoping to fix a nerve issue and hasn't helped. Waiting to meet with a neck specialist.
Am I on the right track here?
Thank you for reaching out. Occasionally PT can help with symptoms; however, it would be unable to fix the root cause of the problem, the straightening of the cervical lordosis, and without addressing that, it is likely the symptoms would return if they did go away. I would suggest a consultation with one of our CLEAR Scoliosis Doctors. They are trained in treating the straightening of the curvature and would therefore more likely rid you of your symptoms more long term. To find the closest CLEAR Doctor, please visit website and follow the link to locate a clinic near you. Best of luck.
Is it a good or bad thing if I dance eith the condition-straighthened cervical lordosis?
Hello, Lyn.
Thank you for reaching out. The normal or "good" curves of the spine provide you with strength and flexibility. When you lose these good curves, you can experience problems ranging from pain or tingling to disc herniation. We recommend restoring these cervical curvatures in order to avoid problems and to be proactive instead of reactive if or when they occur. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Doctors are trained in techniques, as well as have equipment available in their office, to help with the restoration of these curves. My recommendation would be to contact the closest CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctor to you, which can be found on our website. They would be able to have a consultation with you to determine if they could assist you with restoring the curvature in your neck. Best of luck.
A very clear article about cervical lordosis
My first x rays
The cervical spine displays a slight curve convex to the right side and the normal cervical lordosis is also relatively straightened. This is possibly secondary to mucle spasm.
Degenerative spondylosis of the cervical spine present. The changes are specifically advanced at the c5/6 level and the c5/6 disc space is slightly narrowed.
Very slight disc space narrowing is also noted at the c4/5 level. There are signs of early bilateral neurocentral osteoarthritis at level 5 /6
The c7 transverse processes appear prominent
The second x-ray
There is loss of the normal lordosis.
There is disc space narrowing and osteophytosis at the c5/6 level
There is bony narrowing of the right C5 /6 exit foramen
Acute disc pathology is not excluded.
The third xrays of the lumbar spine
Osteoarthritis at L5 and S1
There is also loss of kyphosis.
Thank you
Often times, straightening in neck results in disc irritation and degeneration, which can lead to spondylosis. Our doctors are trained in how to rehabilitate the neck to help restore its natural curvature. This requires specialized equipment and customized exercises for each individual that our doctors have been taught to prescribe. To find the closest CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctor to you please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Best of luck.
Dear Dr Woggon.
X-rays have revealed that I have lost my cervical lordosis. This follows a minor whiplash injury in Aug 2018, but before then I'm reasonably certain that my posture, certainly at work, was not good, making my neck vulnerable.
I now have daily headaches, headaches that begin within an hour or so of getting up in the morning, and then persist for several hours in the day. When I am lying down, asleep, I am generally completely fine.
Please can I ask, are headaches a recognized symptom of loss of cervical lordosis?
Kind regards,
Richard Wilson (London, UK)
Hello, Richard.
Oftentimes loss of cervical lordosis and straightening in neck results in poor posture, headaches, neck pain, etc. However, headaches can also be caused by many other issues as well. I would suggest visiting your primary care doctor to rule out other possibilities. If it is indeed the loss of cervical lordosis, our doctors are trained in how to rehabilitate the neck to help restore its natural curvature. This requires specialized equipment and customized exercises for each individual that our doctors have been taught to prescribe. To find the closest CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctor to you, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Best of luck.
I found out I have reverse cervical lordosis. Could this be the reason I get sharp pains in my upperback when I look up?
Hello, Joshua.
Oftentimes, a reverse in cervical lordosis results in pain and irritation in the upper back. Our doctors are trained in how to rehabilitate the neck to help restore its natural curvature. This requires specialized equipment and customized exercises for each individual that our doctors have been taught to prescribe. To find the closest CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctor to you, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Best of luck.
I am 22yrs and recently, I was diagnosed with the loss of cervical and lumbar lordosis. I had pain, and numbness on my right side especially the limbs. Now it's not as much but seems to have transferred to the right back of my neck. What could be happening?
Hello, Pheneas.
Oftentimes, straightening in the neck results in disc irritation, causing radiating numbness. Our doctors are trained in how to rehabilitate the neck to help restore its natural curvature. This requires specialized equipment and customized exercises for each individual that our doctors have been taught to prescribe. To find the CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctor closest to you, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Best of luck.
My 31 year old daughter had an X-ray and the results were loss of cervical lardosis. The muscles in her neck are so tight that it's causing her spine to become straight
What are her options ?
Hello, Ilena,
A loss of curvature or cervical lordosis can definitely cause strain and tight muscles all the way down the spine. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Treatment Doctors specialize in working with patients to restore the curvature. They use specific equipment in their office to reduce the amount of forward head posture and reestablish the curve in the neck. They also will customize an exercise plan for each patient based on their x-rays to guide them in rehabilitation at home. I would suggest contacting the CLEAR Scoliosis Treatment Doctor closest to you. That information can be found on our website under "Find a Doctor". Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Best of luck.
I have had head aches at back of head for months.
Tingling in both hands for over year continually. Facial /eye (both) twitching increasing for over 6 months. Ear pressure/pain in ears
I have loss of cervical lordosis. Can this cause all the latter?
Hello, Suzanne,
The loss of the normal curvature in your neck can cause a whole list of symptoms and complications, many of which you mentioned. The best way to address the problems to alleviate the symptoms is to re-establish the curvature in your neck to its proper position. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctors are trained in correction of the neck lordosis. They have specialized equipment in their office that helps to rehabilitate the area and also formulate a customized treatment plan for you to follow at home based on your x-rays. To find the CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctor closest to you, please visit our website under "Find a Doctor". Best of luck to you.
I am suffering with Cervical Lordosis. My MRI defined that. what should i do to get rid of this. I am getting severe pain from my neck to right shoulder and arm.
Hello, Priyanka,
Loss of curvature in the neck can often cause neck pain that radiates down the neck into the arm. It is important to restore this curvature to both reduce your symptoms and prevent further problems. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Doctors specialize in cervical lordosis restoration by both specialized equipment in their office as well as customized exercises at home. To find the nearest CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Doctor, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Best of luck.
Hi there,
I have a history of poor posture and have all the symptoms you've listed including others (neck pain, tmj, upper back and shoulder pain but also have dizziness, sometimes vertigo, numbness/tingling in fingers, moreso on the left side and goes from my upper neck down through my shoulder and into my fingers). Generally, the worse the neck pain, the worse the symptoms. I went through the medical/ specialist circles to rule out serious stuff - blood work, 2 MRI's, X-rays, ENT tests, neuro surgeon who reviewed my MRI's and said they looked fine. All others said I was normal. PT didn't really help. I started with an upper cervical chiropractor who x-ray'ed me and showed I have a straight neck/ loss of curve. The only 'concrete' thing wrong with me causing symptoms. Adjustments haven't really helped yet but was told fixing a curve can take a LONG time.
I know he mentioned in the beginning straight neck but didn't realize just how bad this can be re symptoms. Looking into it more I came across CBP & just started adding a denneroll into treatment as I wanted something more aggressive. Do you think I'm on the right track here? Sick of being miserable.
Thank you for reaching out, Dom.
Yes, the symptoms you are experiencing can be a result of a loss of cervical curvature or straight neck. In order to restore the curvature in your neck, it requires specialized training to do so by the chiropractor you are seeing. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute doctors have specialized equipment in their offices in order to achieve this. They also require patients to do customized exercises at home to restore the curvature based on your individualized x-rays. I would suggest seeing a chiropractor who has the ability to prescribe these exercises as well as the necessary equipment in their office. To find the CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Doctor closest to you, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Best of luck.
I have shoulder pain, shoulder blade discomfort and impingement upper arm to the finger tips but mostly on left side, but rarely on the right.
Yesterday I had my cervical spine MRI, it showed I have reversed cervical lordosis with degenerative disc disease of C3/4, C4/5, C5/6 and C6/7.
Is there any possibility this can be corrected?
Can you refer any specialists in Melbourne?
By the way, I am 55 years old.
Thank you.
Hello, Annie,
Those symptoms can often be caused by what you are saying is your MRI report diagnoses. Unfortunately, we do not have a CLEAR Scoliosis Center in Australia. One of our former doctors does practice there and may have the necessary equipment to treat you. His name is Dr Daniel Dahdah. To find the nearest CLEAR Scoliosis Center please refer to our website under "Find a Doctor". Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified doctors have specialized training in treating a loss or reversal of cervical lordosis. This requires specialized equipment in the office as well as customized exercises for each patient dependent upon their individual x-rays. Let us know if we can be of further assistance. Best of luck.
Is Straight Cervical Lordosis can cause more sensitive feelin in some parts of the body particularly in arms and feet? how can I lessen the pain?
Hello, Steve,
Straightening of cervical lordosis means that the curvature in your neck is straight instead of in a half moon curvature pattern. This is an issue that can create many symptoms, as well as speed up the process of degeneration of your neck. It can absolutely cause sensitivity in the arms or other parts of your body. These issues can be addressed by one of our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified Doctors. They have specialized equipment in their offices that help both of these issues. Treatment in a typical chiropractic office will not normally be able to help you with these problems. I would suggest contacting the closest CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified office. To find the nearest office, please visit our website under "Find a Doctor". Please let us know if you need further assistance. Best of luck.
Can loss of cervical lordosis impact the vocal cords? I was diagnosed with this 10years after a vehicular accident and my voice has been incredibly weak as a result.
It was first thought to be acid reflux, LPR and Gerd - all of which did not generate positive results.
Hello, Crystal,
There is a possibility that this could be a result of a loss of cervical lordosis. The nerves in the neck control the throat/vocal cords/swallowing. There obviously could be other causes for vocal cord issues, however. To determine if the lordosis may be a culprit of this symptom, I would suggest contacting one of our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified Doctors who specialize in restoring the cervical lordosis. They have specialized equipment in their office that will help with this. They also can prescribe specific exercises based on your individual x-rays to help maintain any progress they make in office. To find the nearest CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified doctor, please visit our website under "Find a Doctor". Best of luck.
Is there a place for the use of Acupuncture treatment of cervical lordosis.
Hello, Alexander,
Thank you for reaching out. Acupuncture is a great modality to use to help with blood flow and oftentimes pain relief; however, acupuncture does not have the ability to restore the cervical lordosis. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified Doctors are highly trained to work with the cervical lordosis through equipment in their offices, specialized adjusting techniques, and customized at-home exercises they prescribe to both restore and maintain this curvature. I would suggest contacting the center closest to you to determine if you would be a candidate for care in one of their offices. To find the nearest center, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Let us know if we can be of further assistance.
good morning
I was in 2 accidents in 2 months I have severe neck and shoulder pain and x rays showed cervical lordosis but the dr laughed it off and said u just have muscle spasm a year later and I'm still suffering even as I'm writing this I am in pain what can be done
Hello, Shireen.
Cervical lordosis is a curvature of the neck from the sagittal or side view. There should be cervical lordosis. I am wondering if maybe you meant a loss of cervical lordosis. A loss of cervical lordosis is when the neck has straightened and has lost the normal natural curvature. A loss of cervical lordosis can absolutely cause neck and shoulder pain. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified Doctors have training in how to restore the cervical lordosis through specialized equipment in their office, as well as targeted therapies at home that are customized per patient. It appears it has surpassed the time frame of just being a muscular issue. I would suggest contacting the CLEAR Scoliosis Institute clinic nearest you to determine if they can provide you with assistance to help you with your issue. To find the nearest center, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Please let us know if you need further assistance. Best of luck.
Does Medicare cover any of the clear,cdp or pettibon corrective treatments? Thanks
Hello, Harlan,
Each CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Certified Center is independently owned by the Doctor of that clinic. I would suggest you contact the CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified clinic nearest to where you live to ask any financial or insurance questions. To find the nearest clinic to you, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Please let us know if we can further assist you.
My wife is 56 years old and has dealt with neck and right shoulder pain since about 1997. It started mild but of course over the years has progressively become worse to the point of constant pain. It is now starting to affect her right shoulder as well. Muscle relaxers and anti inflammatories barely take the edge off. For a number of years she was treated with opioids to manage the pain but you can imagine this came with its own issues. Her recent x-ray results are as follows: Grade 1 anterolisthesis C4 on C5 on flexion views. Loss of normal lordosis with intervertebral disc space height loss, degenerative endplate changes and small osteophytes C5-T2. Posterior endplate osteophytes most prominent C5-C7 with central canal and neural foraminal stenosis C5-C7. No definite fractures. The loss of lordosis in her neck has never been discussed in the past that we can recall. Reading the article above really seems to explain a great deal of her symptoms. I know you can not provide a diagnosis but I am looking for advise on what to discuss with her doctors to get the care she needs. We are of modest means and must work within the health care provider we have.
Thank you,
Hello, Paul,
From what you are saying, it sounds as if she has some extensive damage in her neck, both degenerative and most likely soft tissue and ligament damage. Unfortunately, typical chiropractors do not have training on re-establishing the normal, natural curvature in the neck. This requires extensive post-graduate training along with specialized equipment in order to do so. The Doctors certified through CLEAR Scoliosis Institute have had specialized training in the treatment of these types of conditions, and have customized pieces of equipment in their offices in order to help repair some of the damage and try to slow the degeneration process down in more severe cases. I would suggest possibly a consultation with one of our clinics to determine if they could help your wife. To find the nearest clinic, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Best of luck to you.
have been diagnosed with cervical lordosis and also scolosis. Have been left to deal with it on my own. Never had the conditions explained; all I know is from my own research, and fa few tidbits from physical therapist.
Not sure what exercises target these conditions as I alan onm living with a few others that the PT
has tried to help me. However, my insurance has run out, and I don't have money to cover
treatments on my own.
I'd like to know just how can I get the alnswers I need? How can I get thee medical people tell me what I'm facing? i have horrible pain. MY head feels like a bowling ball. I can't straighten up to any acceptable extent. I am at a loss as to just what I can do to help myself. No matter how much I ask, I get no answers. It's as if no one knows and won't admit it. I
could handle that better than total silence.
I am 76 and at my wits end. I didn't plan to wind up my life in such tortouous pain and inability to even live 1/4 of the life I had in the past. Where can I go for some help? ( Did briefly see a chiropractor...she wouldn't even look at my xrays l when I gave them to her. She never explasined a plan of treatemnt , nor has the physical therapist. My doctors have totally ignored me, preferring to leave the PT to deal with me!!!!! Help, PLEASE....
Hello, Queenie,
I am sorry to hear of all of the issues you are having. That must be extremely frustrating for you.
It is disappointing the chiropractor you saw would not even look at your x-rays; however, standard chiropractors do not have any training in how to address or treat scoliosis or a loss of lordosis in the cervical spine. Those types of conditions require specialized care that takes training beyond just a chiropractic degree. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Doctors have received specialized training in treating the scoliosis spine whether the curvature be mild or severe, as well as training on restoration of the good, natural curvatures of the spine, such as the cervical lordosis. They have specific equipment in their offices that is used for those exact conditions. If you do not live near a CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified Doctor, they also provide what is called intensive treatment where a patient is seen for one or two weeks and then given the exercises and tools specific to their needs to continue to work on their spine once returning home. I would suggest contacting the nearest CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified clinic to determine if you would be a patient for care in their office. To find the nearest clinic, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Best of luck. Let us know if there is anything further we can help with.
The article is well illustrated and it could be truly helpful for those who are interested in it. Thanks for sharing this knowledge, really appreciate your kind work.
Good explanation!
I have been told that I have a loss of cervical lordosis and wandered if it could cause dizziness.
Hello, Lucille,
Loss of cervical lordosis can cause many symptoms. It can cause dizziness; however, dizziness can be caused by many reasons. To determine if your loss of cervical lordosis may be the cause of your dizziness, I would suggest consulting with one of our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified Doctors. They can oftentimes do an examination with you and look over your x-rays to determine if that is indeed the source of your problem, and if so, they have specialized equipment in their offices to help restore the lordosis. You can find the CLEAR Scoliosis clinic nearest you on our website under Find a Doctor. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Best of luck.
It was Useful informative about Lordosis everyone should read these blog.
I just noticed on a Cervical MRI that I had done a year ago that I have "straightening of Cervical Lordosis". This is the results of my MRI:
There are multilevel degenerative changes as below:
C2-C3: There is no spinal canal or neuroforaminal stenosis.
C3-C4: There is no spinal canal or neuroforaminal stenosis. Mild facet arthropathy, with a small posterolaterally directed synovial cyst arising from the left facet articulation, measuring 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.6 cm.
C4-C5: Mild left greater than right facet and uncovertebral arthropathy, with mild left foraminal stenosis. No significant right foraminal or spinal canal stenosis.
C5-C6: Mild diffuse disc bulging. Together with moderate bilateral facet and uncovertebral arthropathy, this results in moderate to severe left and moderate right foraminal stenosis. Mild spinal canal stenosis.
C6-C7: Diffuse disc bulging with mild ligamentum flavum hypertrophy, resulting in mild to moderate spinal canal stenosis. Facet and uncovertebral arthropathy contribute to moderate to severe left and moderate right foraminal stenosis.
C7-T1: There is no spinal canal or neuroforaminal stenosis.
I continue to have neck, shoulder, scapula, chest wall and head pain, tightening of the neck muscles in the front of my neck, numbness and tingling down both arms to both hands/fingers.
I take ALOT of anti-inflammatory meds without much relief. I had 3 epidural injections to C7 area last year which helped the severe pain and numbness in the left arm/hand/fingers, but it seems to be returning in both sides now, worse on the right.
None of the doctor's told me that I had this condition and that these are some of the normal symptoms from it. Makes me so mad! I just wanted to know why I was having the pain etc....
I work as a medical assistant and constantly help the elderly(very over weight 300-400 pounds adults) up and down from the exam tables, do alot of reaching over their bodies to do EKG's etc...
I have been doing this work for over 40yrs now, on top of riding horses for most of my life. I was in one accident like 20+years ago, where a young boy rear ended me but the brunt was not that bad, I had my car in neutral so the bump to my car was not that traumatic, although the next day I did get horrible muscle spasms in my head/neck/arms and upper back with a bad headache.
I would like to know what I can do to try and live a more productive and less painful life.
I will be 60yrs old in a few weeks and am so tired of being in constant pain. I now work as a phlebotomist for the VA clinic. I do have to bend alot and of course look down alot, but I am trying to keep my computer at eye level and keep my posture straight. I have 8 grandchildren that I would love to be more interactive with but the pain afterwards is so intense that I have not been able to do much. I am still young, but feel so old!!!
Can you help me at all? Is there a point that I will have to stop my working etc....? Any advise would be appreciated. Most doctors just look at me like I am exaggerating my symptoms. I never ask for pain meds and do not want any as I do have stomach issues. I'm just tired of living with chronic pain and nothing I do helps.
Hello, Kellie,
It sounds as if you have been dealing with some significant issues which have greatly affected your quality of life.
Straightening of the cervical spine/lordosis will commonly cause the bulges and symptoms you are referring to. Oftentimes, restoring the cervical lordosis can reduce the bulges and, in turn, reduce the symptoms you are experiencing. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Doctors are certified in curvature correction of the spine. They have specialized equipment in their offices to restore the curvatures as well as providing you with customized at-home exercises to maintain those corrections. The best first step would be to find the clinic nearest to you to have your x-rays or MRIs sent to to determine if you would be a candidate for this type of treatment. If so, they can discuss with you treatment options. To find the clinic nearest you, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Best of luck to you.
Reversal of cervical lordosis,C4-5 anterolisthesis measures3 mm ,new
disc degeneration is severe at C5-6,C6-7 and C7-T1and progressed since previous.
Facet degeneration is most severe at C4-5 has increased since 2014.
this is only my cervical ,my lumbar post surgical changes with L4-5 facet arthodesis.
i live on Acetominophen 500 mg 2q6hours - twice a day, and rest when needed, went for slow walk
today took back pain with muscle relaxant 3 hours ago and going to bed . i sleep with small pillow
for my lumbar area that is how i fall asleep but looks like it is not good for my neck, i am an 83 years old lady and worried about my remaining years, probably in wheel-chair, oh well time to enjoy whatever time we have left with my husband.......
Hello, Theresa.
Thank you for reaching out. When the cervical lordosis has a reversal, it is common for degeneration to happen. Oftentimes, if we can restore the lordosis, it will help to reverse some degeneration, pain, etc. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Doctors have mastered restoration of these curvatures both by customized exercises per patient as well as specialized equipment in their office that help to achieve this. Age does not necessarily have to prevent you from the restoration of these curvatures. Our Doctors have treated patients older than you and with similar degenerative changes as you are describing, so I would say that there is definitely hope. I recommend contacting the CLEAR Scoliosis Center closest to you to determine if you would be a candidate for care. To find the nearest clinic, please visit our website under Find a Doctor and it will list the center closest to you. Please let us know if you need any assistance with this. Best of luck to you.
nice info.
I have a spinal cord stimulator (which isnt working 🙁 , Been having severe Neck Pain that radiates down the arm along with the Normal Back Pain, I had an X-ray Done of the cervical spine and this is what they X-ray Results Show:
Straightening of the normal curvature of the cervical spine with grossly no fractures or dislocations
Hello, Laurie,
Thank you for reaching out. It is very common for a straightening of the cervical curvature to cause neck pain with radiation down the arm. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified Doctors have equipment in their office that helps address this exact issue. They will also provide you with customized exercises for you to perform at home to help maintain those corrections they achieve in office. I suggest you contact the nearest CLEAR Scoliosis Institute Doctor to help you address this issue. To find the nearest clinic, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Best of luck.
I suffer from sever chronic migraine that, in the last 6-7 years have gotten much worse. I average 300 migraine days a year and some lasting as long as 47 days. I have frontal migraines as well as occipital. I am a 43 yr old female. I have a bulging disc at L5-S1, a SI joint dysfunction, degenerative disc disease throughout my spine. My neck is rigid and tight at all time. My recent MRI with and without contrast shows straightening of normal cervical lordosis as well as follows:
C2-C3 minimal left facet arthropathy.
C3-C4 minimal left facet arthropathy.
C4-C5 Mild disc height loss. Mild bilateral arthropathy. Mild canal stenosis due to posterior disc osteophyte complex which affects the anterior CSF space. Minimal cord effacement.
C5-C6 Mild disc height loss. Mild bilateral facet arthropathy. Mild canal stenosis due to posterior disc ostephyte complex which effaces the anterior CSF space and mildly effaces the ventral aspect of the cord.
C6-C7 Mild disc height loss. Minimal bilateral facet arthropathy. Mild canal stenosis due to posterior disc ostephyte complex which effaces the anterior CSF space and mildly effaces the ventral aspect of the cord. Mild right neural foraminal narrowing due to uncovertebral spurring.
Brain: Minimal periventricular and a few scattered T2/FLAIR hyperintensities within the cerebral white matter are non specific however most compatible with chronic microvascular ischemic change.
Could any of this be the cause of the increase in frequency, duration, and intensity of migraine headaches?
Hello, Leah,
Yes, these findings could very well be the cause of your headaches. Straightening of the cervical spine oftentimes leads to disc degeneration and cord encroachment. Many of the patients treated with our methods have proven that restoring the normal, natural curvature has shown to be very effective in reversing some of this degeneration, as well as alleviating those symptoms. Our CLEAR Scoliosis Institute certified doctors have specialized equipment in their offices to help restore cervical curvatures, as well as customized exercises for you to follow up with to help maintain those corrections. I recommend contacting the CLEAR Scoliosis Center nearest you for a consultation. To find the nearest clinic, please visit our website under Find a Doctor. Best of luck to you.